Obama’s Annual Physical in Glorious Technicolor

February 28, 2010

Obama has no privacy. He had his annual physical this morning, and we already have the results. Yes, I’m nosey, so when Mediaite sent them to me, I read them.  Chalk it up to being a health care blogger:-) Mediaite thought Obama was a cyborg because he had 20/20 vision and no surgeries at age […]

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Judging the Hive Awards

February 25, 2010

I'm in the process of judging the First Annual Hive Awards, to be presented on March 12 at SXSWi , which honor the unsung heroes behind the great products we're all using on the web. It's an awards program for the people who make the apps work: make them do what the marketing department says they do. […]

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Meet Metro Phoenix (Again): Now Opportunity Oasis

February 23, 2010

Every time the economy goes bad, Phoenix does a re-brand.  It makes up a new story about itself, and tries to sell that story to the masses.  We’ve gone from trying to be the “West’s Most Western Town,” to being the “Solar Oasis,” to being “Copper Square,” to being whatever the latest branding agency thinks […]

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Bloggers Know Joe Stack is America

February 20, 2010

The day an unbalanced, disgruntled Texan named Joe Stack flew a small plane into the IRS offices in Austin, I wrote an immediate blog post about it. As always, I wrote it to collate and express my own reactions, which were surprisingly strong. Only when I finished the post did I look back on it […]

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Aurora Loan Services Saga, Part 2

February 19, 2010

After my blog post on Huffpo about Aurora Loan Services, a friend of mine suggested I try to find someone from the company on LinkedIn, and I did. I found the COO, who referrred me to the VP of Quality, and within 48 hours I was in a trial modification program, supposedly 2% for 30 […]

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Joe Stack, R.I. P.

February 18, 2010

I've just taken the time to read all of Joe Stack's suicide note. What follows is sheer emotional reaction and unfiltered, so if you disagree, remember you certainly have a right to do so, and I will expect it. I have shared many of Joe Stack's experiences. Like him, I've been 'wiped ou't financially by […]

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Why Linchpin Changed My Life (Again)

February 17, 2010

Even in the world of Twitter and Buzz, once in a while a plain old book comes along that resonates with you, makes your pulses vibrate faster than social media. It's not so much that the book teaches you something new: more accurately, it hits you where you already live. Seth Godin's new book, Linchipin, […]

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February 13, 2010

I have to admit I wasn't anxious to read another Seth Godin book. I felt as if I already knew what he'd be saying, because I have read almost all his other books, and even been in one of them (he crowdsourced it). But listening to Linchpin has changed my mind. Now I not only […]

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John Murtha Died For Our Sins

February 10, 2010

But everyone knows that the long-term debt problem is a health care problem, we spend far more on health care than we get back in outcomes, and cutting health care cost growth is the key. If we don’t, then we’re completely screwed no matter how much we cut Medicare–someone has to pay those health care […]

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John Edwards v. My Idealism: Vote at Your Own Risk

February 9, 2010

No one should subject themselves to what I'm doing: reading Andrew Young's tell-all "The Politician" while watching the stalemate that is our federal government.  The combination of Edwards and his aide Young's efforts to preserve their own privileges with what's currently (not) going on in Congress makes the securitization of subprime mortgages look like Sunday […]

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