Joe Stack, R.I. P.

by francine Hardaway on February 18, 2010

I've just taken the time to read all of Joe Stack's suicide note. What follows is sheer emotional reaction and unfiltered, so if you disagree, remember you certainly have a right to do so, and I will expect it.

I have shared many of Joe Stack's experiences. Like him, I've been 'wiped ou't financially by every crash, and like him, I've recovered. Like him, I've been targeted by the IRS while it desperately tries to collect money while not disturbing the big guys who are headquartered in the Bahamas. Like him, I hired an accountant whom I discovered early on was much more interested in preserving his good standing with the IRS (and thus a stream of future revenue beyond just me), and therefore was less than helpful to me. I ended up going in by myself and making a deal. (Try it; it's not so difficult.)

Like Joe Stack, I am a product of the educational system that taught me American is a land of opportunity, and that if I just get my education, I will be fine. And like Joe Stack, went to more than 16 years of school (twenty, because I have a Ph.D).
Like Joe Stack, my life has been impacted by divorce, and by the current economy, and by the constant devaluing of the middle class's labor. Like him, I see the inequities in the health care system, where how long you live depends on how much money you have for both preventive care and end-of-life care.

When I read his suicide note, there was a lot I could identify with, nod in agreement with.

So why haven't I flown my plane into the IRS building in Austin? And why won't I ever? (This is a metaphor. I don't own a plane, and couldn't fly it if I did. Even a Cherokee).

Because I look at these things from a different perspective.  I've been in Africa, India, China, Costa Rica, Mexico. I've seen people literally without a pot to pee in. I understand that if I have to eat cat food or peanut butter and jelly, it will be at the end of a life that has been rich with learning, relationships, friendship, love, and good health. And at times, great wealth, which I hope I use wisely when I have it. Usually I give most of it away in one way or another: foster parenting, investing in startups, working for nothing, contributing to charities. That was a shocking realization I came to a few years ago: throughout my life, I have never cared about money. Something else motivates me. 

I understand that shit happens, and that it's never what happens to you, but how you come to it that counts. A long time ago, without even knowing when, I decided to come to it with joy, and an open mind, and no attachment to outcomes. I left go of a lot of expectations: whether any of the companies I invest in will succeed, whether someone will fall in love with me, whether I will die rich or poor. So far, I haven't starved.

Yes, all the things that demoralized Joe Stack could, and perhaps even should, demoralize me. But I don't want to live that way. I sure don't want to die that way.

Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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hardaway August 21, 2010 at 9:20 pm

Learn from experts how to start or grow your business, even in this economy. Come to AZEC10 (


I’d like to remind you that we have significant discounts for early registration at


AZEC10 is the premier Arizona conference directly geared to entrepreneurs, and people come from everywhere (even Canada) to attend.This year’s speakers include industry analyst and wen-strategist Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang); Bay Area VC Dave McClure (@davemcclure), Flowtown co-founder Ethan Bloch (@ebloch), Infustionsoft founder Clate Mask (@infusionsoft), and entrepreneurial photographer Kris Krug (@kk).


This is a personal invitation to you, to join me.

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hardaway August 21, 2010 at 9:20 pm

Learn from experts how to start or grow your business, even in this economy. Come to AZEC10 (


I’d like to remind you that we have significant discounts for early registration at


AZEC10 is the premier Arizona conference directly geared to entrepreneurs, and people come from everywhere (even Canada) to attend.This year’s speakers include industry analyst and wen-strategist Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang); Bay Area VC Dave McClure (@davemcclure), Flowtown co-founder Ethan Bloch (@ebloch), Infustionsoft founder Clate Mask (@infusionsoft), and entrepreneurial photographer Kris Krug (@kk).


This is a personal invitation to you, to join me.

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hardaway August 21, 2010 at 9:23 pm

Learn from experts how to start or grow your business, even in this economy. Come to AZEC10 (


I’d like to remind you that we have significant discounts for early registration at


AZEC10 is the premier Arizona conference directly geared to entrepreneurs, and people come from everywhere (even Canada) to attend.This year’s speakers include industry analyst and wen-strategist Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang); Bay Area VC Dave McClure (@davemcclure), Flowtown co-founder Ethan Bloch (@ebloch), Infustionsoft founder Clate Mask (@infusionsoft), and entrepreneurial photographer Kris Krug (@kk).


This is a personal invitation to you, to join me.

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hardaway August 21, 2010 at 9:24 pm

Learn from experts how to start or grow your business, even in this economy. Come to AZEC10 (


I’d like to remind you that we have significant discounts for early registration at


AZEC10 is the premier Arizona conference directly geared to entrepreneurs, and people come from everywhere (even Canada) to attend.This year’s speakers include industry analyst and wen-strategist Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang); Bay Area VC Dave McClure (@davemcclure), Flowtown co-founder Ethan Bloch (@ebloch), Infustionsoft founder Clate Mask (@infusionsoft), and entrepreneurial photographer Kris Krug (@kk).


This is a personal invitation to you, to join me.

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hardaway August 22, 2010 at 9:21 pm

Here’s my personal invitation to attend AZEC10 (, the premier conference in Arizona to help entrepreneurs start and grow businesses. Here, VCs and entrepreneurs and resources meet and learn from each other.


This year’s cast of characters includes Bay Area VC Dave McClure (@davemcclure), web strategist and industry analyst Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang), Infusionsoft founder Clate Mask (@infusionsoft), legendary entrepreneur/photographer Kris Krug (@kk) and a host of Arizona companies and resources,


Early Bird Registration is available at, and I hope to see you there!

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hardaway August 22, 2010 at 9:21 pm

Here’s my personal invitation to attend AZEC10 (, the premier conference in Arizona to help entrepreneurs start and grow businesses. Here, VCs and entrepreneurs and resources meet and learn from each other.


This year’s cast of characters includes Bay Area VC Dave McClure (@davemcclure), web strategist and industry analyst Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang), Infusionsoft founder Clate Mask (@infusionsoft), legendary entrepreneur/photographer Kris Krug (@kk) and a host of Arizona companies and resources,


Early Bird Registration is available at, and I hope to see you there!

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hardaway August 22, 2010 at 9:23 pm

Here’s my personal invitation to attend AZEC10 (, the premier conference in Arizona to help entrepreneurs start and grow businesses. Here, VCs and entrepreneurs and resources meet and learn from each other.


This year’s cast of characters includes Bay Area VC Dave McClure (@davemcclure), web strategist and industry analyst Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang), Infusionsoft founder Clate Mask (@infusionsoft), legendary entrepreneur/photographer Kris Krug (@kk) and a host of Arizona companies and resources,


Early Bird Registration is available at, and I hope to see you there!

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hardaway August 22, 2010 at 9:24 pm

Here’s my personal invitation to attend AZEC10 (, the premier conference in Arizona to help entrepreneurs start and grow businesses. Here, VCs and entrepreneurs and resources meet and learn from each other.


This year’s cast of characters includes Bay Area VC Dave McClure (@davemcclure), web strategist and industry analyst Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang), Infusionsoft founder Clate Mask (@infusionsoft), legendary entrepreneur/photographer Kris Krug (@kk) and a host of Arizona companies and resources,


Early Bird Registration is available at, and I hope to see you there!

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United Dental Insurance November 14, 2010 at 9:07 am

Bravo, Bros! keep going like this, more good info again.

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