Ingaldsby Farm in Boxford

October 24, 2009

Posted via web from Not Really Stealthmode

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Has Twitter Become Overrun with Marketers? No, But Facebook Has

October 21, 2009

"Has Twitter become overrun with marketers?" I ask myself this question every so often, when my stream looks like it's full of people I don't know with brand logos instead of photos. I asked it again this morning, but this time I asked Twitter, too, and not just myself. The response was quite interesting; my […]

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Financial Collapse Can Bring Permanent Change

October 21, 2009

This excellent Ted Talk explains why crisis can also be opportunity for our country. (HT: Guy Kawasaki) Although it starts by saying society is going through a "great unwind," it ends on quite an optimistic note. And I really like it because it underscores the role of new, more social technologies in social change.For the […]

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Reflections on BlogWorld Expo (I Didn’t Go)

October 19, 2009

I’m big on the value of face to face contacts, but after you go to a certain number of conferences, they get old (or at least they do for me). And I  never get asked to be on panels, so I always have to pay.  This, too, gets old, especially since I’ve been blogging since […]

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Data Breach and Customer Service

October 17, 2009

Remember the Network Solutions/TransUnion data breach earlier this year? I remember reading about it, but then I just put it out of my mind.  My data is so many places on the Internet that I try to hit identity theft from the credit bureau end of the pipeline, subscribing to both LifeLock and one of […]

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Intel Alumni Urge Secretary Chu to Move Faster on Clean Energy

October 14, 2009

I belong to the Intel Alumni Network, and although I couldn’t attend this session on clean energy, I’m proud of the results. I have admired Andy Grove since I worked at Intel, and here’s an example of true leadership from him and other former Intel leaders that explains why Intel has had such a long […]

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You Are the Vanishing Middle Class

October 12, 2009

I began trying to refinance my home in Half Moon Bay on the day Obama announced the supposed homeowner retention program. At first I wanted to do it because I was having trouble making payments during the fall and winter financial crisis. I’m still trying to do it because I’m about $150,000 under water, which […]

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Google Wave, WWSGD, Tweetie 2 and the iPhone

October 11, 2009

I’m a self-taught geek.  I’ve never written a line of code, nor do I understand how it works. However, over the years I’ve taught myself to navigate around lots of beta software, and I sign up for anything I’m offered.  Recently, I’ve been to Gist, Brizzly, Google Wave, and Tweetie 2, and I’ve just installed […]

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Obama Should Politely Decline the Nobel Prize

October 9, 2009

I woke up to see the moon bombing, and instead saw a virtual bombing of the United States: the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama. It was something out of a political satire, as many people on Twitter pointed out. I think it was also somewhat of a patronizing gesture, as it […]

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Popular Culture: Popular for a Reason

October 6, 2009

So I have this daughter who does not turn on a TV in her home, whose baby plays with only certain types of toys, and who grinds her own baby food and nurses him even though she has a full-time job. (Yes, I also did this, so it doesn't sound crazy to me, but it […]

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