Popular Culture: Popular for a Reason

by francine Hardaway on October 6, 2009

So I have this daughter who does not turn on a TV in her home, whose baby plays with only certain types of toys, and who grinds her own baby food and nurses him even though she has a full-time job. (Yes, I also did this, so it doesn't sound crazy to me, but it might to most Americans). She's committed to giving her baby only the best education and never to let him useĀ  TV as a babysitter.

I'm visiting, and there's a TV in my room, so I was watching Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC when baby Dash landed on my bed for a moment while she got dressed for work.

Two minutes later, the remote was in his hands and it was suddenly on KQED, the public television station. And Dash was watching Barney. As far as we know, he had never had a remote control in his hands before, nor seen a TV turned on. And I didn't change the channel; he did. Although he's only 9 months old, he was clearly capitvated. Glued to the tube and the purple animal.

Next, he pushed "record," and began to record the show! As if he was telling her "if I can't watch this now, I'm gonna save it for when I can."

It was one of those random moments that just brings you down, and my daughter and I burst into laughter. It was random, but metaphoric. Just another guy with the remote.

Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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Popular Culture: Popular for a Reason | Stealthmode Blog
October 6, 2009 at 11:36 am

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