Obama Should Politely Decline the Nobel Prize

by francine Hardaway on October 9, 2009

I woke up to see the moon bombing, and instead saw a virtual bombing of the United States: the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama. It was something out of a political satire, as many people on Twitter pointed out. I think it was also somewhat of a patronizing gesture, as it gives the prize to someone who has just begun to accomplish what he has set out to do, and rewards him just for setting out on the path.  It's like giving a child a reward for doing his homework without checking to see if he got the answers right.

He may get the answers right.  We just don't know yet; we haven't even read the homework. I like the direction he's going in, but it's a journey and he has just started on it.

This is not an anti-Obama post. In fact, it's as much a pro-Obama post as I can write. But I think the Nobel Prize Committee has inadvertently made a fool of President Obama, who apparently was in office eleven days when the nominations closed. It will crank up the political fervor, make detractors think the fix was in, and distract us from the main business of digging the US out of a horrible recession in which unemployment is now 9.8%, passing some kind of health care reform, and actually thinking through our role as the world's policeman.

I'm watching "Morning Joe," and they are saying that this will complicate Obama's decision to withdraw or surge in Afghanistan. I agree.  How can you decide to send in more troops to Afghanistan when you've won the Nobel Peace Prize? So now he has his hand forced on the one hand by McChrystal, and on the other by the Nobel Committee.  Would you like to be Obama right now? Or a senior White House Advisor? The story has been hijacked again.

Did the Europeans do this because they were proud of him just for getting elected? For what he did on the campaign trail? For his speech to the Muslim community? Because it was a tough year to find anyone for the prize? Or perhaps they were so happy to see even a glimmer of rationality from an American President that they were trying to offer reinforcement. It would be nice to know.

Despite the title of this piece, and my wish that he could decline, I know Obama can't. He will have to put a good face on it, go to Oslo, thank the committee, donate the money to a charity, and move on.

I'm proud of Obama, and proud of what he's trying to do, but I want him to do it first before someone gives him a prize.

Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

{ 3 trackbacks }

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize??
October 9, 2009 at 6:43 am
CNN’s Lothian: Nobel Prize an ‘A’ for Effort, Could Help Pres. With Health Care | linkthe.com
October 9, 2009 at 1:49 pm
Beck: Obama should turn down the Nobel and give it ‘to the Tea Party goers and the 9-12 Project.’ | linkthe.com
October 9, 2009 at 1:59 pm

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

Virginia October 9, 2009 at 8:05 am

I am not pro or cons about Obama. I am almost all cons about politics in general. Everybody starts with possible “good” ideas, that may or not the majority or minority would like, but then all goes to a path of “but I think I am right and that's the way it should be” and that's when politics become blind and deaf…by choice.
Now, let's try to remember what is the nobel prize, what it means, how was created…then we see, that this not make sense at all. And it makes the Nobel Prize act like a new reality show from our cable channels. How possible we could compare the peace work from MLK to Obama's? there is no work done on Obama at all. He is paid and have been elected to be the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world. Because, he is paid and was elected to get through plans and projects that ultimately has to BENEFITS THE US public, not the rest of the world…I do not see how that has to do with a peace nobel prize. What he has done is to benefit things surrounded the American people, he has not come up with a National Plan to erradicate gangs around the country and I don't think he has one.
Now, about the nobel prize…it has been full of controversy and I no longer believe in it. It is like Olympics…you get a great athlete that year and realized it was on illegal drugs two years later. Just check the Literature Nobel Prize as well…what that author has done? nothing. The Nobel prize has become another joke for the mankind.

Chris October 9, 2009 at 8:15 am

Obama Rational?? That is a Joke…empty retoric with no underlying truth or action is NOT Rational…

ellenleanse October 9, 2009 at 8:44 am

Francine, I see it differently. In a larger historical context, I think that the prize is a vote of solidarity with Obama, who is facing more than can be “fixed” by any one administration. In fact, I don't believe that it can be “fixed” – if that word means returning to a former way – at all. I think that the prize is about what Obama has yet to face and do than about what he has already done. I feel that there is some prescience to this award, even more than acknowledgement – unconventional for the Nobel committee, given past awards, but these are unprecedented times. As I look back on other winners who have been named in my lifetime, the prize has differentiated them, given them a heft beyond what they held before receiving this salute. I am glad that Obama will carry that with him in a larger historical context as he continues to navigate the almost impossibly choppy and littered waters that he's launched himself into. In present times, Obama is blamed and criticized for conditions that are the inevitable result of decades of political and economic ignorance and even abuse. If anything, the prize is a statement that those old ways will not work, and a message of encouragement to stay on the much-criticized path, to rethink and redefine, to have courage and to try, in what is a nearly-impossible position, to contribute toward a greater good.

I'm just sayin.

all the best, e.

TomDegan October 9, 2009 at 9:20 am


The moon – that nocturnal inspiration to poets and lovers for centuries – was viciously attacked this morning by Muslim terrorist Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his co-conspirators within THE GOVERNMENT.

A clear message has been sent by this radical jihadist to good and decent people everywhere. There is no room for misinterpretation: if they can target the moon – THE MOON! – in such a ghastly and unprovoked matter, it only proves – conclusively – that Main Street is not safe. Our children must be protected from the radical, hideous agenda of this man and his vile administration. Mark my words, my fellow Americans – today the moon, tomorrow Anytown, USA. OH, THE HUMANITY!

At the moment this lunar holocaust was taking shape, an announcement was made on Oslo, Norway awarding Barack HUSSEIN Obama the Nobel Peace Prize.

Coincidence? I wonder….

But seriously, folks….


Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

hardaway October 9, 2009 at 9:44 am

I do believe it's aspirational as we;;. But I also believe it flushes out his opposition and makes it more difficult for him, as they begin to tweet about how he doesn't deserve it and “the fix was in.” He could have done without more talking points for the nutcases and conspiracy theorists.

But I also think the award is a gentle pressure by the rest of the world for him to keep going in the direction he has stated he wants to go. I also think he gave an excellent talk in the Rose Garden and exhibited the correct degree of humility. I just wonder how far he can go with the rest of the world standing solidly behind him and America fractured beyond any time in my memory.

Actually, Ellen, if I were him, some days I'd just feel like packing it in, he inherited so much grief.

Chris R October 9, 2009 at 9:50 am

This is great news. I am very happy that he won. He deserves it.

I have to admit that I am having a lot of fun reading the reactions of people on these blogs. Too funny.

Win the Nobel Peace Prize? Yes we can!

Chris Brown October 9, 2009 at 11:31 am

All you guys do is complain and bitch about Obama this and Obama that, what has he done to you that Bush didn't start, Hello wasn't Bush the one that started the war ? Or wasn't he the reason Gas went sky high, also he's the reason we lost our jobs and our houses are in foreclosure since Obama came in office I was able to afford school, and make something out of my self you people that talk all this nonsense about one's accomplishments are simply selfish ignorant morons who have nothing better to do but throw your tea partys and juice up prejudice if he had been a White man you would be happy and cheering but because he is black you are talking shit and spreading nothing but hate if you even dare claim to be a christian I cast your sorry asses to hell. Because of Obama your un-employed asses are able to log online and talk and spread this hate, I mean think about all the drama in florida with everything going on Republicans did this to our Country not Obama and if you believe everything the press says you are a stupid fuck, Wake up people wake the hell up.

And yes I'm proud to be BLACK

lancetexas October 10, 2009 at 5:23 am

I think Obama could refuse the award. This really isn't even about Obama or left or right. Obama, and all of the U.S. should politely refuse this award and send a signal to the Nobel Peace prize committee that the U.S. Presidency cannot be manipulated. They are trying to embarrass one president and have belittled the current President. They have lost all credibility. And that is a shame, because this used to be a worthy and prestigeous award. For shame.

India April 17, 2010 at 4:40 pm

What the fuck are you talking about this is why people get so mad at blacks I am black too. When you start saying that kind of shit that whites only talk shit about Obama because he is black you make us all look like shit. I am friends with a lot of white people and they don’t talk shit about Obama because he is black they talk shit because he does nothing. I am a Catholic and I don’t believe in abortions I don’t believe in anything that Obama is doing, if you want something go and get it yourself, don’t rely on the government. I work and go to college, and my husband is in the military he is fighting for this country. If you love Obama so much why don’t you go fight for this country because all he keeps on doing is sending troops into Afghanistan and Iraq.

India April 17, 2010 at 11:40 pm

What the fuck are you talking about this is why people get so mad at blacks I am black too. When you start saying that kind of shit that whites only talk shit about Obama because he is black you make us all look like shit. I am friends with a lot of white people and they donu2019t talk shit about Obama because he is black they talk shit because he does nothing. I am a Catholic and I donu2019t believe in abortions I donu2019t believe in anything that Obama is doing, if you want something go and get it yourself, donu2019t rely on the government. I work and go to college, and my husband is in the military he is fighting for this country. If you love Obama so much why donu2019t you go fight for this country because all he keeps on doing is sending troops into Afghanistan and Iraq.

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