Fire Your PR Firm and Brand it Yourself

August 11, 2008

  This is the panel I proposed for SXSW in March, and it made the cut into the interactive panel picker, along with 1200 other lucky ideas. But to actually SEE this panel, you have to vote for it, and hopefully make a comment :-) Go here, and set up a quick account (free) so […]

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Valley girls

August 10, 2008

Valley girls Originally uploaded by dynamist Look at me. I’m short. I rarely realize this, but Jackie Danicki was bending over to get her head into the shot, while I was standing on tiptoes, and Cathryn Hrudika (Creative Sage) drew herself up to her full height. This was Chris Heuer and Kristie Wells’ first anniversary […]

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It's Embarrassing to Ask, but…

August 8, 2008

Vote for me. Nope. I’m not Paris Hilton. I mean it.  It’s not about politics, it’s about the panel Social Media Club and I have proposed for SXSW Interactive  next March.SXSW picks its agenda via an interactive panel picker and my suggestion, "Fire Your PR Firm and Brand it Yourself" made the cut to the […]

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Follow the Money

August 7, 2008

I am an armchair political strategist. I look at the current campaigns, and I don’t understand why Obama (it would be harder for McCain, as you will see in a minute) doesn’t base his campaign around the following simple talking points: 1. We are rebuilding Iraq while America falls apart. I recently read that the […]

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U.S. May Have Been Trying to Pin Anthrax Kllings on Ivins

August 4, 2008

In our current government, with its rich ties to the Saudis, nothing is as it seems. I’m naive, and although I watch the news all day I do so with Continuous Partial Attention, so when I heard that Bruce Ivins, who was about to be indicted for the anthrax letters that were sent out right […]

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Politics as Usual

July 30, 2008

My friend Carolyn feels compelled to run against this woman for obvious reasons. I hope she wins!

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What Makes a Company?

July 30, 2008

I’m gearing up for our fall FastTrac Growth Venture programs, so I’m thinking consecutive thoughts again about the issues confronting entrepreneurs and startups. When I get back to Phoenix in a month I know I will be asked to sit down with people who have great ideas, and some who have products. However, few of […]

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Barack Obama Has Already Changed Everything

July 28, 2008

Taking a trip overseas to meet world leaders may not look like it helps workers in swing states at home, but Barack Obama’s confident attitude toward talking to the world has already changed everything. For everybody. This morning on ‘The Today Show" I watched Brian Williams  interview Iran’s snarky President Ahmadenijad. What a difference in […]

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Mobile Social Networking

July 23, 2008

I’m sitting in a panel on Mobile Social Networks at AlwaysOn Innovation Summit 2008. Who is going to win in mobile social networking, and what does winning mean are the big questions. The panelists are from MySpace, INMobile, Buongiorno, ZipClip, Nokia and Intercasting.  This is an entire new group of players for me, except for […]

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"Mad Men" to BlogHer: 40 Years of Women's Rights

July 18, 2008

So I’m sitting here in a large, mostly empty ballroom at BlogHer2008 at the Westin St Francis  with @Geekmommy and @MariaNiles, watching Erin Kotecki Vest participate in an Oovoo video stream with some participants from Netroots Nation, which is taking place in Austin. Technologically, it’s a disaster: the audio sounds like everyone’s in a nightclub […]

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