Do You Write in the Cloud?

November 30, 2009

This week on Leo LaPorte's  excellent podcast about Google and all things cloud, there was a conversation among Mashable's Pete Cashmore, Jeff Jarvis, Gina Trapani, about how they composed their blogs. Almost all of them were composing  in the cloud, with an occasional look back to a text editor. Pete composes in WordPress, Gina composes  […]

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Searching for Waste and Fraud in Health Care? Look Absolutely Anywhere

November 27, 2009

How much of our rising health care costs comes from fraud in the  health care system by players who know how to game it for their own benefit?  Enough to cloud the reform debate, that's for sure. And it can't be pinned on one player; it's up and down the value chain in medical care. […]

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Attitude of Gratitude

November 24, 2009

Every year at Thanksgiving I write a post about gratitude. Not that anyone cares what I'm grateful for, because everyone has his/her own set of fortunes and problems, but I like to remember mine and hope it will compel you to recall yours — especially this year. So here it is, generated while I was […]

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Twitter, Advertising, and the Numbers

November 23, 2009

A comment on Brian Solis' blog post this morning about the decline in Twitter's numbers turned into this post, in which I explore feelings about Twitter that I didn't even know I had:-) But the discussion about Twitter advertising has also prompted some of these thoughts, which I've been discussing with @scobleizer over on his […]

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There May Actually be Health Care Reform in the HCR Legislation

November 22, 2009

Editor’s Note: In the post below, Tim Jost looks at provisions of the Senate Democratic health reform bill dealing with Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP, and many other significant topics. In earlier posts, Jost took a first look at the Senate bill, provided a detailed look at several issues that arise under the bill’s insurance reforms, and discussed abortion coverage and the constitutionality […]

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Didn’t Know Infusionsoft was So Cool

November 18, 2009

My bad. Infusionsoft has been a sponsor of the Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference for three years now, and I had not ever visited their facility in Gilbert, which is ONE MILE from Gangplank, where I hang out several times a week. So today I went over and took a tour. Here's what I found out:1)as a […]

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Independents Bolting from Obama? Of Course

November 18, 2009

Image by Getty Images via Daylife I am a proud Independent bolting from Obama. This morning on “Morning Joe” somebody said all the Independents were doing it. If so, this might be the first time I do anything “all” the people do. I think each of us, true to the term, has his or her […]

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My Very First Podcast

November 15, 2009

Inaugural Podcast by Francine Hardaway  Download now or listen on posterous Inaugural Podcast.mp3 (516 KB) Yesterday by chance, and I do mean by chance, I wandered into a PodcampAz session called "The Audacity of Podcasting." I had no idea that Audacity was open source podcasting software, and I didn't even know you needed software for podcasting. […]

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The Highlight of AZEC09

November 13, 2009

Was a guy named Norris Kreuger, who is a Babson fellow in Idaho and wrote a song for Tara. Here it is in its world premier.  </object> Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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Smart People with Narrow Perspectives

November 10, 2009

This morning I sat in a room at the Phoenix Sheraton, built during the last upturn, and listened to the head of the San Francisco Office of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, talk to a room full of old white men in suits. (Maybe 6 women). Always one to dress for the occasion, I wore […]

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