Do Jobs Numbers Matter?

February 6, 2010

I'm not an economist, and I'm not an expert. But even I can guess that the jobs numbers we see every month and bet our investment programs and 401ks on are bunk, or maybe junk. Why? Because yesterday I heard how the government counts them. The numbers never match, because two different methods are used […]

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The Cost to the Economy of Putting Health Care Reform on the Back Burner

February 4, 2010

No matter which side of the political fence you are on, this is a startling situation, reported this morning in the Wall Street Journal— not a liberal rag: For the first time, government programs next year will account for more than half of all U.S. health-care spending, federal actuaries predict, as the weak economy sends more […]

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Manufacturing Capacity (Except Semiconductors) Fell too Far to Recover?

February 3, 2010

From today's Wall Street Journal: (HT: GoozNews) America's industrial base is undergoing its most radical restructuring in decades as manufacturers rethink their businesses in the wake of the recession. From Dow Chemical Co. to Intel Corp., iconic companies are telling stories of wrenching change—both contraction and recovery—as they report their earnings for 2009. During 2009, the nation's capacity to […]

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Gangplank Pushes Business Boundaries

February 1, 2010

We are honored to be a "tenant" of Gangplank. I've been in Arizona for forty years, and this is THE.BEST.SPACE. we have ever had for entrepreneurs. Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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Brian Solis and Privacy v. Publicy

January 31, 2010

For some reason, Brian Solis always brings out my inner writer. This was a comment I made to a post of his, but it took on a life of it’s own. I think it’s an important addition to his thoughts on the impact of the online world on our privacy. This is a subject on […]

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Entrepreneurs Aren’t Hiring: Kauffman Foundation

January 31, 2010

Stealthmode Partners has been working with the Kauffman Foundation since 2003, as a regional center for its Fasttrac Entrepreneurial Education program. On Friday, Jan. 29, the Foundation issued a large report about the state of entrepreneurship in America. Unfortunately, it’s not as good as I had hoped, and much more confusing. But that’s why I […]

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Bailout Nation: a Comedy

January 29, 2010

So I'm listening to Barry Ritholtz's new book, "Bailout Nation," in my car. (Bless you, Audible). I'm laughing out loud. Barry is about the best financial writer I've read this year, and I've read plenty in my effort to understand how I came to lose my own financial security and almost everyone around me pretty […]

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IPad in Health Care? Not Yet

January 28, 2010

Such a bummer. Health care workers, like everyone else, love Apple.  And they love mobile devices in the hospital, the office, and the field. But Mobile Health News has decided that the new iPad won't be easily adapted to the specialized use-case of health care. And it's not just because of apps, because the apps […]

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A Unique Visitor Weighs In $SCOR

January 24, 2010

"Jason Calacanis Punches Comscore In The Face. Comscore Punches Back. Fred Wilson Drags Us Into It. $SCOR" Woke up this morning to the breakup of Brangelina,  the new litter of Shiba Inu puppies, and this answer to a post of Jason's that I read yesterday and felt unequipped to weigh in on.  I don't put ads […]

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Woody Allen: “95% of Life is Just Showing Up”

January 23, 2010

t's Saturday afternoon and I'm sitting in the Executive Boardroom of the Cronkite School of Journalism at ASU. The room is overflowing, and it is only one of 4 different rooms that are part of CenPhoCamp, a social media conference/unconference organized by  Tyler Hurst. I'd guess there are over a hundred fifty people in attendance […]

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