Waiting for Barack, Godot, Salvation

November 24, 2008

We did it again this weekend. We bailed out the top and not the bottom.  I truly don't understand this. (Caveat: I studied poetry and novels in college). Walk me through it, if you will. The consumer is responsible for 70% of the US economy. The consumer has been scared spitless by what's happening all […]

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Listening to NGL in the Gym

November 22, 2008

I got really bummed listening to the recording of NewsGangLive and realizing that something that was such a large part of my life has been missing for the past few weeks. I heard Karoli and Steve and Michael talk about the same issues I’m thinking about, and I sure do miss my community. Mobile post […]

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November 21, 2008

Wednesday's Third Annual Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference <http://www.azentrepreneurship.com> was one of the best days of my life. Not only did 250 people show up in the middle of a recession to see each other and help each other, but the feeling of hope and optimism among the entrepreneurs and funders in the room was palpable. Those […]

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No BailOut for the Car Companies? I'm Heading that Way

November 17, 2008

Obama looked pretty good on 60 Minutes Sunday evening. He looked like he had everything under control in his "no drama Obama" way. But the world has changed again. With Citibank's layoff of 53,000 employees and the Republicans in Congress still fighting against the bailout, one wonders what unemployment will look like before this is […]

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This is a Game Changer for Obama and Us

November 15, 2008

I am watching the first weekly "radio" address by President-elect Obama. And lo, it is on YouTube. No more guessing what the President thinks, what he is going to do, and how he feels. This is a game-changer, whether anyone realizes it or not. It's an on-demand way to know what the President is thinking […]

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An Ill Wind Blows Entrepreneurs Some Good

November 14, 2008

Look at this beautiful facility that Peter Burns was able to lease for his new eFactory because so many commercial buildings in Phoenix are empty. Startups come in here and have access to free wi-fi, phone, and office equipment. There’s one conference room that’s like a dark men’s club library with a bar! Like I […]

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Diary of a Startup in a Regulated Industry

November 10, 2008

What do we need to fix an economic crisis? Money! Where do you get money? Banks! With this cheer in mind, a group of bankers, lawyers, entrepreneurs and I forged ahead last year to start a new bank with a new vision. You know me, I'm transparent, so here it is–without violating any SEC rules. We have a […]

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Mad Men and Doc Searls: The Woman's View

November 8, 2008

Once again, a blog post grows from a comment on someone else's blog. This time it's my friend Doc Searls. I lived the life of Mad Men, and that's why I watch it with such close attention. Mad Men tells you why I went back to school, got a PhD, eventually became an entrepreneur, committed […]

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BizSpark Comes to Phoenix

November 6, 2008

&lt;a href="http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?vid=4b5b0a56-2df0-4b4d-8a53-62e6cb3dfdbd" target="_new" title="BizSpark in Phoenix"&gt;Video: BizSpark in Phoenix&lt;/a&gt; Here is the video from yesterday's introduction of BizSpark to Phoenix. Naturally, we did the introduction at Gangplank:-) Notice the fancy office furniture. No VC money here:-)

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Crossing the Chasm

November 5, 2008

I stood in the middle of the ballroom at the Obama Election Night party and bawled. My brother called, my daughters called, the text messages kept on coming, and I bawled. I knew I was standing at a crossroads of history. The fight my father started when he tried to make Las Vegas hotels allow […]

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