What Financial Crises Reveal About the Real Nature of Money

December 17, 2008

It has been interesting watching the last six months through the lens of my life philosophy. I practice non-attachment (as best I can, since no one's perfect). This has been an incredible time to watch what happens to people who do not. It all started on June 2, when my friend Scott Coles in Phoenix […]

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Hello World!

December 16, 2008

DashiellRichard.com was born today… content coming soon… :-)

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7 Things You Probably Don't Need to Know About Me

December 12, 2008

I got tagged by Jason Baer to post about seven things most people don't know about me, and I know I've done this before — I think for Social Media Club– but since I can't find the post, here I go again. This will definitely be too much information: 1)I've been married five times. In […]

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!2 Days of Bailouts: Don't Miss This

December 9, 2008

YouTube never fails to be a fount of creativity. A finely honed sense of irony has gotten me through many bad times before, and it will again. Try this one: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55xJnIqq9ZI&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1]

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Newspapers Aren't Dying, Advertising Models Are

December 9, 2008

Advertising has always been a cyclical and tenuous business. The venerable department store magnate John Wanamaker, whom no one even remembers any longer, once said "I know half my advertising is wasted; I just don't know which half."   In a downturn, advertising is always the first thing to go, and that's why Madison Avenue […]

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IPhone Hits its Stride with Target App

December 5, 2008

Even if you hate Christmas and shopping and Target, you have to try the new Target app on the Iphone. This morning I rolled over in bed, grabbed my phone, and read my email.  On the way out of the email box, I saw I had to update apps in the App store, so I […]

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Is Angel Investing Dead?

December 2, 2008

Image via WikipediaAmazing,  the optimism in Silicon Valley compared to the rest of the country. The angel climate cannot be said to be good, but it doesn't sound too bad compared to, say, the Big 3 automakers. It's much cheaper for a company to start up and keep running today, because the price of technology […]

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Annoyed by iPhone Apps

November 30, 2008

So far I've downloaded and discarded dozens of iPhone apps that didn't do what I thought they should do. For me, Twitter apps are the worst offenders. Twitterific hung too often, and Om Malik advised me to switch to Twinkle. No, he didn't just advise me, he downloaded it to my phone while I was […]

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Attitude of Gratitude: Via Louis CK

November 27, 2008

Please watch this. In 4 minutes, Louis CK puts it all in perspective:[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbIGbZ6gq_Y&hl=en&fs=1]

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Gary Vaynerchuk vs Matt Mullenweg

November 26, 2008

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/2349866] Gary Vaynerchuk vs Matt Mullenweg from Clintus McGintus on Vimeo. The after-party for the Third Annual Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference was at Gangplank. Here's a memorable Wii Tennis match between @garyvee and @photomatt.

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