Facebook Throws off iFart Creator: Am I Next?

January 25, 2009

The following thought process began as a comment on Scoble’s blog, where I got to thinking about the fact that I have 800 Facebook friends and actually have met them all either virtually or in person, or know of them through a friend and can tell you something about them. And since I’m not a […]

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Give Me a Break

January 23, 2009

John Thain redecorated his office for $832k right before he handed the failed Merrill Lynch off to Bank of America and the taxpayers. That’s more than I paid for my house in California. That’s more than most people have in savings. That’s more than the Obamas are paying to re-do the White House. Moreover, that’s […]

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Best Practices for Layoffs

January 19, 2009

What follows is a post I wrote during the dot-com meltdown. I think it’s as appropriate today as it was then, so I’m reprinting it since I couldn’t find it in the archives of my own blog. It was cached from the Noend Press, and I suspect it’s from before my blog, when I was […]

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Across the World with my Tech Toybox

January 19, 2009

I just came back from India, a 40-hour flight when you consider all the layovers between planes (Phoenix to L.A., then five hours in LAX between L.A. and London, and six hours in Heathrow between London and Delhi). On the way home it was somewhat worse, except that I stayed overnight in both London and […]

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Self Examination

January 16, 2009

There’s nothing like a trip to India to bring out the best and the worst in yourself. As usual, on this latest trip I wasn’t insulated in a country-neutral five-star hotel (except for one fact-finding lunch before visiting the Taj Mahal) or the business compound of an American company in Bangalore. No, I stayed at […]

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The Vedas and the Modern World

January 13, 2009

It’s time to do something about health care that does not depend on the government. The world seems to have come to a halt waiting for Obama to be inaugurated and solve all the world’s problems. In the mean time, I have gone off to India to visit the Jiva Institute, with whom I’ve been […]

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Stream of Suicides Accelerating

January 8, 2009

Sitting in LAX between planes on my way to India, I do what every geek does; I catch up on my feeds. I scan fewer than one hundred feeds, and read of three suicides: one, a Berlin investor, Adolph Merckle, who killed himself over his stock losses; another the head of a Chicago real estate […]

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Social Networks and Health Care Reform: An Experiment

December 29, 2008

Between Christmas and New Year’s I decided to try a “noble” experiment. I decided to invite people from my Facebook and Twitter networks to an Obama Health Care Reform party at my home. I want to see if the Obama administration’s social networks are real, and if the information flows both ways. You have to […]

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The Aftermath of Christmas: the Deployment

December 28, 2008

My family knows they can’t just give me pajamas or sweaters for Christmas, so they wildly search catalogs and online sites for the edgy, technologically advanced (and imperfect) geeky gift they know I will like. This year I got a couple of doozies (in addition to the organic nail care kit and the perfect Lululemon […]

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I Love You Jason, But You are Wrong

December 23, 2008

And so are you, Loren Feldman. I listened to you on the Gillmor Gang, and though I enjoyed the conversation immensely — I agree with Jason that it’s the best Gang in quite a while– I really disagree that blogging is dead. Sure there are a lot of blogs, and sure there are a lot […]

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