Social Media Question #1: No, We're Not Competing

March 17, 2009

I just came home from SXSWi, where I sat in a blogger lounge full of social media colleagues.And then I came home and saw this week’s Social Media Club Question about how we can support those colleagues even though we are competing for the same client dollars and money. Jeez, I never thought of that. […]

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SXSWi Wrap Up: Spectacular

March 16, 2009

While I had some doubts about going to SXSWi in the current environment — it seemed frivolous, since my panel had been rejected — it turns out to have been a very (randomly) wise decision. I met some wonderful new people, caught up with great old blogospherical friends like @QueenofSpain, @Pistachio, @Scobleizer and @rocmanUSA, performed […]

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South by Southwest: Is it Different this Year?

March 14, 2009

What recession? Not in the digital media or interactive industries, as far as I can tell. Last night I spent the early part of the evening in the makeshift studio at the Belmont Lounge watching Michael Wright interview people with “big ideas” and live stream over the Internets. It was awesome. Wright’s idea is […]

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Liveblogging a "Short Sale" Real Estate Seminar

March 12, 2009

I love to learn things, even if I don’t need them, and I am going to learn how to negotiate short sales. That’s a situation in which people need help, and help is what I am about. Short sales involve learning to negotiate with banks, which is learning to negotiate with people who want to […]

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Why Obama Has Slowed Down the Machine

March 9, 2009

Everyone I know seems to be saying that Obama has slowed down, rather than sped up, the recovery. The stock market is sliding and the rich are thinking of taking their money offshore. My friend Doris, a barometer of the economy because she’s been alive a long time, says this Depression feels worse than the […]

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Web 2.0 Expo and My Social Capital

March 5, 2009

I’m coming up to the Bay Area in late March, of course to visit my grandchild, but also to attend Web 2.0 Expo. and support the community that has embraced me and taught me the power of the social graph. Yes, like the conference’s theme, I’m doing more with less, but the one thing I […]

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How Much Longer? Not a Good Question

March 4, 2009

As we all cut our expenses, pay down debt, and stare at our retirement plans in disbelief, the question everyone asks is, “when will this be over?” The pundits ask each other, the press asks Obama, and we ask the deities: we KNOW things will turn around, but the question is always when? It’s like […]

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RSS, Twitter, and Information Overload

February 28, 2009

I am not new to social media, having been in newsgroups and chat rooms since the early 90s. I’m also not new to information overload, as I’ve always been a news junkie and a voracious reader. But every once in a while, my life changes with respect to how I give and receive information, and […]

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Best. Comment on Innovation. Ever

February 22, 2009


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Blueprint for Survival, or All Meltdowns are Personal

February 21, 2009

Yesterday I held the first in a new series of workshops, Blueprint for Survival, that I created especially for the current climate. Unlike our usual offerings, which are for people who WANT to be entrepreneurs, this one’s for people who are forced into being entrepreneurs by layoffs and unemployment, or people who are business owners […]

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