Another Unbelievable Comcast Story

October 4, 2009

I have a unique perspective on cable companies, because I live in two cities.  In one city, Comcast is the provider.  In the other,  it's Cox. Because I tend to live in unconventional (older) houses, I have trouble with my cable reception periodically, especially the high speed Internet.  And I run a largely home-based business […]

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How Best to Help Entrepreneurs

October 1, 2009

What's the best way to help entrepreneurs? I try to figure this out every day, but it's never more at the forefront of my mind than when I plan the annual fundraiser for  the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation, a public foundation I started as a result of my foster parenting experience. Most of the young […]

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September 30, 2009

You can take the girl out of the English Department, but you can’t take the English Department out of the girl. I LOVE words and always have. This made me LOL. Here is the Washington Post’s Mensa Invitational which once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, […]

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Public Plan Bites the Dust, Obama With it

September 29, 2009

So I have given this post a somewhat hyperbolic title. But not as much as you would think. The Senate Finance Committee voted down the public plan today, and because I was driving around Maricopa County for a good part of the morning, I heard the good, the bad, and the ugly about the debate. […]

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TweetsforBoobs Raising $$ for Breast Cancer Awareness

September 28, 2009

October is breast cancer awareness month and, which went live Friday September 25, is participating in the effort to raise awareness and donations for breast cancer. makes pledging money to the Susan G. Komen foundation effortless and public. When the hashtag #tweetsforboobs is used the site detects it, and a pledge of $1 […]

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The United Nations

September 24, 2009

The United Nations meeting yesterday stunned me. I grew up thinking the UN was one of the pinnacles of global achievement. And I thought disrespectful debate was the province of the USA until I heard Gadhafi and  Ahmadinejad. Now I wonder if the UN is worth stopping NYC traffic for. I'm pretty much a disciple […]

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Fasttrac Tempe listens to Akira Hirai

September 22, 2009

Posted via web from Not Really Stealthmode

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Need Investors? Go to People You Know

September 22, 2009

Shoutout to @dgurrie and Sheila Kloefkorn of KEO Marketing for the inspiration for this one. Because of my female angel post on Marty's blog yesterday, I got a tweet from @dgurrie asking me how to get investors.  And then I got an email from Sheila asking me to contribute to Eileen Rogers' project to build […]

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Payoff: IHS Acquires ESS

September 20, 2009

Yes, I know it sounds like a bunch of initials to you. But to me, to CEO Robert Johnson, and to Robert's wonderful group of long-time employees at ESS, it's a gift. You see, we've all cashed out at last. The acquisition press release  tells, as usual, almost nothing of the back story, because the […]

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My Personal Mad Men

September 19, 2009

Because I was a young adult in the work force in the 60's — in fact I was working at J. Walter Thompson in New York City in 1963, my first year out of grad school and the year in which this season of the show occurs, I am fascinated by Mad Men.  My early […]

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