How to be a Speaker or a Volunteer at A Conference

November 7, 2009

We are less than a week out from the Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference #AZEC09 and once again I open my email and it is full of "volunteers." People who want to volunteer to help us with the conference, and even PR people volunteering their clients to speak. It made me furious this morning, so here's the […]

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Will FlowTown finally Solve the Small Business Marketing Problem?

November 4, 2009

Most small businesses have it really rough. Whether they are retail or b2b, marketing is a huge problem for them because the can't do sponsorships, brand strategy, advertising and slick PR like the big boys. They've still got to get customers from somewhere, though. About five years ago, Stealthmode Partners had a consulting agreement with […]

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Make Your Beta Testers Love You–Or Else

November 3, 2009

Because I'm tangentially a part of the Bay Area echo chamber, I have a chance to sign up and test a lot of new software. I also advise companies, and I try their products, too. Listening to TWIST with guest Mark Suster made me think about my own reactions to the sites I try early. […]

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Health Care and the Economy

November 2, 2009

This morning I was listening to The Diane Rehm show, because it was a segment on health care and the economy. What was amazing about the show was the consensus among guests from varying backgrounds: Norman Ornstein, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute; coauthor with Thomas Mann of “The Broken Branch: How Congress Is […]

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Michael Jackson: Genius Even at the End

October 31, 2009

Trying to duck the trick-or-treaters on my block tonight (Halloween induces a bark-a-thon at my house), I escaped into the closest movie, Michael Jackson's "This is It."  I expected nothing. Like everyone else, after Jackson died I watched every person who ever met him once parade through Larry King Live saying what a good person […]

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Michael Jackson: Genius Even at the End

October 31, 2009

Trying to duck the trick-or-treaters on my block tonight (Halloween induces a bark-a-thon at my house), I escaped into the closest movie, Michael Jackson's "This is It."  I expected nothing. Like everyone else, after Jackson died I watched every person who ever met him once parade through Larry King Live saying what a good person […]

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Tech Tuesday

October 30, 2009

This Tuesday is the first Tuesday of the month, so it’s Tech Tuesday at 6:30 at It’s Italia in Half Moon Bay. If you are in the neighborhood, come on by! Meet all the coastside geeks who work out of their houses or over the hill and are gradually coming together as a community. Because […]

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What’s in the House Bill

October 30, 2009

Admittedly, this is a fast-changing story, but here, from the Health Affairs Blog, are the highlights of the new House Bill. The writer is an attorney who has written a book on health law, so it's a trustworthy summary. First, the bill would dramatically reform the insurance market, prohibiting pre-existing condition exclusions; eliminating underwriting based […]

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November in Phoenix

October 28, 2009

I borrowed this cool list of Phoenix events in November from Brent Spore, the most creative guy I know and one of the organizers of PodcampAZ, is always determined to work for the good of the community, and he compiled this list. I'm borrowing it, with attribution. The craziness actually starts at the beginning of […]

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Me and the Kindle

October 25, 2009

I have the first, worst Kindle, the one most of my friends didn't bother to get, and the one Scoble discarded in disgust after a week. It's not International, or version 2, which is easier to turn pages on. I got it the way I get everything, in a fit of curiosity, and I didn't […]

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