It’s Been a Tough Week

January 22, 2010

Here's something to help us laugh a little, courtesy of SFWeekly Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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Less Bad News Than Usual for the Economy and Real Estate

January 21, 2010

Peter Linneman, the founding head of the Wharton School real estate department, gave the keynote at today’s ULI Trends Day event in Phoenix. For those of you not in real estate, the Urban Land Institute is the professional association for high-powered real estate people. There are two kinds of real estate economists, dry and funny, […]

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Economy and Real Estate: Live Blogging ULI Trends Day in Phoenix

January 21, 2010

–Thanks to Maureen Karabatsos, my dear friend from Empire West Title for the wi-fi that makes this live post possible. Her Verizon mi-fi is my lifeline:-) The economists always speak first: Joshua Scoville, Chief Financial Adviser, Property and Portfolio Research 5-8% GDP growth in Q4 is expected, but its mostly from inventory restocking. Companies allowed […]

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Stealthmode Partners and West Mesa Launch Business Incubator: Come Join Us

January 20, 2010

Hooray!!! I'm here at the West Mesa Business Incubator, the culmination of almost a year of planning on the part of the West Mesa Community Development Corporation and Stealthmode Partners. WMCDC has an almost empty building on the outskirts of downtown Mesa that they have given us to use as space for co-working, business acceleration, […]

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How Can We Ignore Something That’s 18% of our GDP

January 19, 2010

The pundit are saying the election today is a referendum on Obama's health care reform plan. Massachusetts voters, they say, don't care about health care reform. That's too easy. People in Massachusetts already have universal health care. If they vote down Ted Kennedy's legacy, it will be for many other reasons: either they don't care […]

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A Look Back at Social Media

January 18, 2010

Hmmm…Strange day. I just signed up for SMAZ, a social media conference in Arizona where people can hear from experts. It was hard to bring myself to do it, even though I try to support the community. Those of us who were early to social media conversations, sharing, and "real time" are pretty fried by […]

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It Takes a Village to Grow an Entrepreneur

January 18, 2010

You think it takes a village to raise a child? Well, sometimes it takes a city to support an entrepreneur. After ten years of helping entrepreneurs, I've become more and more convinced that the best way to start and grow a business is with the right advice. And that advice can come from anywhere — […]

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How to Evict People With Compassion

January 13, 2010

I'm so proud of my dear friend Carolyn Lane, who is a Constable in the city of Phoenix and evicts people for a living.  Watch this clip and see how it can be done humanely, by someone who truly cares and tries to help. Carolyn has been a landlord, and when she ran for Constable […]

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The Bank Howard Lindzon Refers to as Shiti Bank, and Why

January 12, 2010

Now I get to start the mortgage modification for my second loan, or Home Equity Line of Credit, with Citibank.  In case you are not addicted to this soap opera yet, may I remind you that I bought a home five years ago in Half Moon Bay for $769,000 and it is now worth $515,000? […]

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Why Your Doctor Will Soon Be Giving you Access to Your Information

January 11, 2010

A few years ago, my partners in ( a non-profit organized to help providers implement EHRs)  and I implemented an electronic health record in a physician practice. Along the way, we evaluated every major product and discussed with the physicians in the practice what they needed and how to examine their workflows to automate.  […]

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