Let the Presenter Show Your Product, not the PowerPoints

May 3, 2010

<br />Watch live video from SF New Tech on Justin.tv Collaborize presented at SFNewTech  last month, and because the CEO wasn't available, The Vice President and General Manager presented instead. His title sounds grim, but if you watch the video you will see that Colt, the VP/GM, turned out to be quite a good presenter to […]

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WordPress as a Brand

May 2, 2010

Yesterday I flew from Phoenix to San Francisco and back in a day to attend WordcampSF 2010, my fourth pilgrimage to the shrine of a piece of software. This conference is a cross between a training session and a user community support group, and this year had over 600 attendees. (@technorin tells me 800.)Moreover, it […]

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Next Gig for Me: Migrant Labor on a Content Farm?

April 30, 2010

I'm always looking for projects for the summer, especially ones I can do in Half Moon Bay, so when I heard about my friend's friend writing for Demand Media, I decided to apply. ( In case you don't know me yet, I've been a writer for thirty-five years, published four books, contribute regularly to four […]

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Grieving the American Dream

April 27, 2010

For the past few years, I've been wondering why so many strange incidents keep occurring:  every vote in Congress is a filibuster; Joe Stack flies an airplane into the IRS building; snipers shoot students and teachers in classrooms; men kill their wives and families. Babies are murdered at the border. Senators are found with cash […]

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Finally Figured Out Facebook’s Fail

April 26, 2010

To find out how i finally got clued in to Facebook’s assault on privacy, you must stop by Tyler Romeo’s blog (http://parent5446.blogspot.com) to see why he deactivated his Facebook account. Normally I don’t care much about privacy The essentials of my life are already known — the five marriages, four careers, multiple love affairs, hip […]

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The Future of the Social Customer

April 24, 2010

Here’s what I said yesterday at NewComm Forum, where I was the very last speaker in the. social CRM track. After a week of receiving information, I felt it was time to integrate process with story. The Future of the Social Customer from Francine hardaway on Vimeo. Francine Hardaway, Ph D GV: 816.WRITTEN Posted via […]

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Social Media Analytics for Small Business: Still Missing in Action

April 23, 2010

See this chart? This is the work of some brilliant people trying to tackle a big business question: does social marketing really work?  And its corollaries: if it does, how does it work, how can I measure it, and how much time/talent/treasure should I spend on it? Jeremiah Owyang, a good friend of mine who […]

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Coding on the iPad

April 22, 2010

There are just some thing you can’t do on an iPad, no matter how much you love it, and yes, doubters, I do love mine. I have just learned what it can and cannot do this week, as I take a road trip that is composed of several tech conferences with no laptop. With a […]

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Cloud2 Chatter at AlwaysOn Demand

April 20, 2010

If anyone owns the cloud, it is Mark Benioff. And yet, as recently as 2003, Benioff was begging Tony Perkins to let him  come to the very first AlwaysOn conference. According to Tony, Benioff showed up wearing  a button that read “No Software.” Less than a decade later, he is the CEO of a  publicly traded company with […]

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The Elusive Economic Turnaround

April 19, 2010

The economy will never recover. Not the way it once was. It just can't. This is neither bad nor good: it's just different. And different is the hardest thing to swallow, because people hate change. Since large portions of my day are spent in front of a computer, I have the luxury of listening to […]

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