China Can Be Scary

May 25, 2010

China is really frightening. Having spent the last three days meeting with Chinese startups and investors, I can see how their culture could easily eat our lunch. it is still difficult and expensive to get wi-fi here, so I will briefly summarize my thoughts and refer you to this presentation by Benjamin Joffee that tells […]

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Geeks on a Plane: Shanghai

May 23, 2010

Geeks on a Plane is a trip that seeks to bridge cultural differences by focussing around the common interests of technology and entrepreneurship. There are about fifty of us, from all over the world, gathered in Shanghai to meet the local technologists and Investors and compare notes. We. Leave Shanghai tomorrow for Beijing, Seoul and […]

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Coalition Government vs Two Party Politics

May 20, 2010

Rand Paul, an otherwise educated man, blew himself up last night trying to be true to his small government, free enterprise views. He allowed Rachel Maddow to drag out of him the fact that he believed it was the right of a private business to segregate it’s facilities. A Muslim woman who wrote a book […]

Read the full article → Should Stay in Beta

May 19, 2010

The existence of was only  a rumor at this year’s SXSW. We were all running around checking in to places with three or four different services, and as a result I never looked anyone in the eye the entire time I was in Austin. It would have been my dream to have an app […]

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Progressives Can Learn from the Tea Party

May 17, 2010

I am a Progressive, and yet even I know that we’re going to need a change in the way we run our government, both federal and state, or places like California and Arizona will be Greece. In America, no state wants to be Greece. In Arizona, we are about to vote on a 1% sales tax, […]

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S.B. 1070 Suit Will be Filed Monday

May 14, 2010

Here's a copy of the media alert for Monday's press conference if you are interested: ***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Nation’s Leading Civil Rights Groups File Lawsuit Challenging Arizona’s Racial Profiling Law   Groups Will Discuss Implications Of Discriminatory Law And Grounds For Legal Challenge   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 14, 2010 CONTACT: Alessandra Soler Meetze, ACLU of […]

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A Paradigm Shift Will Fix Health Care

May 13, 2010

Aside from all the politics and interest groups, a disruptive shift is actually occurring in health care.  And no, it’s not electronic health records or health insurance reform, although they will be tools.  This is bigger.  It’s a conceptual shift in how providers are beginning to see disease. The shift is from a one-size fits […]

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An Arizonan Reflects on SB 1070

May 8, 2010

I live in Arizona, home of SB 1070, so this post will be hard. It's complicated. I grew up in New York City, granddaughter of immigrants, in the shadow of the Holocaust and under the upraised arm of the Statue of Liberty. I have paid taxes in Arizona for over 40 years without ever having the […]

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Six Steps to a Successful Entrepreneurial Community

May 6, 2010

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.  Who creates them? According to the Kauffman Foundation, most jobs are created by new businesses. We need those jobs, and we need those businesses. And they can't be developed in a vacuum.  Everyone knows Silicon Valley is the mecca for tech company startups, and New York for the media industry. Detroit is […]

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GeoLocation Is Hot, and Imperfect

May 4, 2010

GeoLocation is hot. How often do you sit in your car in a parking lot trying to check in on Gowalla or Foursquare as you arrive or leave?  I do that every day. I'm still not sure why, but I do. I've been using both services for a year, and before them I used Brightkite.I […]

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