Brands, Brand Promises, and Social Customers

June 30, 2010

There’s been almost too much conversation about brands and social media. How to build brands, how to monetize them, how to monitor them — there’s an article (or 5000) about everything. Sometimes the customer on a social media site feels assaulted by the presence of brands trying to market and draw attention to themselves. Some […]

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Social Media Apps: An Embarrassment of Riches

June 28, 2010

Yahoo has changed for the better. I went there for the first time in a long time today, and found a dramatically re-formatted MyYahoo, as well as a host of new ways to be social. I connected my Facebook account, and was able to reach my Twitter account from the dashboard. And I can drag […]

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My Business of WordPress Keynote

June 25, 2010

Here it is, my keynote from the Business of WordPress Conference in Atlanta this week. I had an awesome time doing it, so I guess I will try to do more of them. I haven’t put myself out there as a speaker, just as I never put myself out there as a “social media guru,” […]

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iPhone4 Beautiful, But Not Worth 6.5 Hour Wait in 110f heat

June 24, 2010

I’m limp, collapsed on my couch with my new iPhone4 after waiting in line at the Apple Store at Biltmore Fashion Park in Phoenix this morning. I went out there at 7 AM and got my phone at 1:23 PM. In between, Apple provided pizza, cookies, water, umbrellas against the hot sun, and  breakfast bars. […]

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Six Reasons Small Businesses Need WordPress

June 17, 2010

I have been thinking quite a bit about WordPress lately, because I’m preparing a speech about “The Business of WordPress” to give at a conference by the same name in Atlanta next week. And in looking through my own blog and the AZEC10 site, I have come to a number of somewhat startling conclusions. These […]

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The Future of Entrepreneurship: Not only Outside Silicon Valley, But Outside the US

June 9, 2010

“In 1998, 3.4 million Chinese attended university. In 2008, the number was 21.5 million. Once a privilege for a select few, college education has defined a generational experience in China.” These numbers come from an excellent presentation by Frank Yu, who tried to put it up on Slideshare, but in accordance with the mysterious ways […]

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Just a Day of Tourism

June 3, 2010

Orchard Road is the main shopping district of Singapore, although I’d say the entire city-state is one big mall. Singapore is a major port, and you can see goods on display from all over the world here. And they are not cheap! This is not a bargain-hunter’s dream, like Bangkok or Shanghai. It’s a place […]

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What You Need to Know About Social Games

June 1, 2010

Moving from Seoul to Singapore takes the geeks to a small market that’s quite evolved, and to the most comprehensive Asian tech conference yet, Echelon 2010. Here, i learn that one of the largest web markets, social games, is already controlled by Asia. After hanging with Joi Ito at Hackerspace Sg and listening to two […]

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Who Knows What’s Up in the Mobile Internet Space in Russia? GOAP

May 27, 2010

In Beijing at GMIC I am listening to a Russian Internet entrepreneur (iFree) tell us how his company, a Russian portal developer, is shifting strategy for the growth of mobile platforms. He begins by saying that of the 142 million people in the former Soviet Union, only 43m are on the Internet. The use of […]

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China Mobile Internet Conference and GeeksonaPlane

May 26, 2010

I am coming to the conclusion that China doesn’t need us. Last night, a star-studded panel of expats and Chinese-American returnees basically let us know that they had it under control. they simply got the big ideas from us, took them to China, and executed on them.This was the kickoff evening of the China Mobile […]

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