Gimme My Google Glass!

April 27, 2013

I want Google Glass. I mean I want it now. I desperately tried to get Scoble to let me try his, but we couldn’t make the times work last weekend, and I missed my moment. I’ve been following his adventures around the world with his new toy. I realize he got them because he’s a […]

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On Being a Mentor

April 23, 2013

I mentor at least once a month at Gangplank, and often elsewhere.  There’s never a day when I don’t feel gratified to be able to help, but today was an extraordinary day. My first appointment was a man from Flagstaff. He is a flight nurse, and had developed an API for transferring patients from hospital […]

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TSA and Southwest Need to Get Their Acts Together

April 6, 2013

This is a pathetic story of the TSA and  Southwest Airlines baggage handling, neither of whom has any concern for the customer. But I am not one of those polite senior citizens who takes everything lying down. Rather, I’m an expert in customer service and marketing, and I know what SHOULD have been done. A […]

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Phoenix is Not Missing a Vibrant Creative Class After All

April 6, 2013

A number of events I’ve attended recently have caused me to re-think much of my frustration about how slowly Phoenix changes. As you know, I’m the type of person who thinks everything should happen immediately, and it drives me nuts to see how long it’s been since Ed and I started working together to try […]

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Can’t Buy Me Likes. And Other Tidbits from SXSW

March 8, 2013

I spent the first day of SXSW13 listening in to OMMA (Online Media, Marketing Advertising)sessions, which to no one’s surprise were all about mobile and social. The widespread availability of tools for self-expression, which caused a shift from mass communications to a mass of communicators, has also caused the largest disruption in the communications landscape […]

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Women Investing in Women

February 25, 2013
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Why I Was Never a “Feminist”

February 20, 2013

Betty Friedan’s book The Feminine Mystique, which kicked off the big wave of feminism that altered –though not enough–the world for women, is fifty years old. It was published in the same year I entered the work force for the first time, as an “account assistant” at J. Walter Thompson in New York, whose offices […]

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10 Reasons Your Business Should Blog

February 13, 2013

If I had a nickel for every business that hired an “SEO consultant” but doesn’t see any value, I’d be rich. Instead, I’m blogging in my pajamas and telling you that your business would be better off blogging (the right way) than putting your money into sometimes-dubious SEO. My own blog has been a constant […]

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Big Data Can Save Your Brand

February 8, 2013

Most global brands want data to take into non-data rich markets like Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, because they already know those  will be the fastest developing markets for any brand that can service the needs of the billion people who are still to come online. However, as any brand manager knows, bringing a […]

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January 20, 2013
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