Glass After a Month

July 22, 2013

After a month with Glass, I’ve got different thoughts than when I first got it. Here goes. During the first couple of weeks, I was consumed by enthusiasm. Wow, I had the future in my face, and I could read my tweets, see my email, take photos and video, ask directions. I knew I’d never […]

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The Sharing Economy: Fewer Jobs, Fewer Brands

July 8, 2013

Not enough has been written about the success of new models such as Zipcar, AirBnB, Lyft, and Neighborgoods. These services, which allow consumers to share their cars, homes, or possessions with one another, or to pay for a car only at the time they use it, are part of a new movement called “the sharing […]

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Got #Glass!

June 25, 2013

GOT GLASS YESTERDAY! #glass is adorable. Here are my very first impressions: The unboxing experience is great. It’s packed like an Apple product, and it comes with comfort items like nose pieces and a pouch to carry it around in. It also has a simple wall plug, because its battery life is about 4 hours (if […]

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Sharing Economy Fast Replacing Consumerism

June 6, 2013

Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working at jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need.” – Rachel Botman Le Web’s London’s opening presentation, with its theme of the Collaborative Economy, should be a wake up call to corporations, brands, and everyone in the advertising ecosystem. Your lives are about to […]

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May 31, 2013
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Aging Ungracefully

May 31, 2013

Every once in a while, I am reminded that I’m not the indestructible girl I used to be. I hate those moments. This morning I went to a Pilates Studio in Chiswick and walked into an intermediate class. Now, I’ve done a fair amount of Pilates, but not at THIS studio, and not for the […]

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Why is My Favorite Network Before its Launch

May 29, 2013

I’m finished with Facebook, and believe me, i’m not alone. Everyone I know hates the strange stuff in their Facebook streams, partly from “friends” we don’t remember or care about, or from brands who want a relationship with us. Problem is, I am also somewhat bored by all the alternatives. I hardly visit Twitter, except […]

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Maker Faire and the End of the Industrial Age

May 20, 2013

Something profound is happening in American culture. Bored and disgusted with forty years of non-stop consuming, Americans have gone back to the future by way of the Maker movement. Bay Area Maker Faire outgrew its former location, and after this year will probably have outgrown the San Mateo County Event center as well. Rumor has […]

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The iPad and the Digital Divide

May 10, 2013

There is still a digital divide, and it may be growing wider. Four brilliant, privileged and geeky friends of mine, Katherine Barr, Josh Elman, Robert Scoble, and Randi Zuckerberg, appeared recently on a panel at the First Ever MamaBear Conference hosted by 500 Startups. (Yes, they’re also friends of mine.) The topic was how their children […]

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When Worlds Collide

May 4, 2013

Yoga is the place I go to disconnect. Admittedly I have been known to check my phone for messages if I leave the yoga room for any reason, but in the room I never do.  I’m not one of the people whose phone rings randomly in mid-pose because I forgot to put it on vibrate. […]

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