Earth Day at Cunha's

by francine Hardaway on April 22, 2008

Earth day at Cunha’s
Originally uploaded by hardaway

Just something I happened to see at the grocery store in Half Moon Bay today, while Earth Day was being neglected for the Pennsylvania Primary!.

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Jack Kessler April 25, 2008 at 11:47 am

I don’t get it. Plastic bags are cheap, convenient, and practical. Tens of billions are produced and used every year. They are a major source of litter all over the world. The Chinese refer to them as “white pollution”.

Why can’t they be made biodegradable? If they disintegrated upon exposure to sunlight or even to oxygen after a few weeks they would be no problem at all. They would even be useful as garden mulch. Would biodegradable plastic bags be so very much more expensive than the current immortal ones?

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