Because We Need it NOW

August 25, 2008

I’ve been grappling for the past few months with the degree of importance to attach to real-time communications, as exemplified by XMPP (which I just learned yesterday stands for Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol). Why, I kept asking, is a three-minute latency period, while a message gets from Twitter to Twhirl, important? Why does Steve […]

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August 24, 2008

Gnomedex Originally uploaded by jaycross

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Gnomedex 2008

August 22, 2008

Live TV by Ustream If you missed me live…

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The Fierce Urgency of Now

August 21, 2008

Today on NewsGangLive, Karoli started the program by asking what “The Fierce Urgency of Now” meant to each of us today. Here’s what it means to me: They say that every once in a while, a recession is necessary to wring out the excesses in the system. They say that Bernanke should resign and that […]

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Is Obama the Open Source Solution?

August 19, 2008

This post started as a response to comments on yesterday’s post, but quickly took on a life of its own, for which I thank you all. Part of the problem is that I was trying to write about two different subjects in the same post: technology innovation and political or social change. I was trying […]

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Prelude to BearHug Camp

August 18, 2008

This is a tough post for me to write. Here I will reveal the fact that i am “just” a power user of microblogging sites like Twitter, or as Steve Gillmor would say, Tw*tter. And here I reveal that. although I now understand the pressure being put on the microblogging community by a few brilliant […]

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The Alchemist on our Current World Situation

August 18, 2008

This morning I found @PauloCoelho on Twitter, and from there, his blog. And from there, this quote, which I’ve been trying to say myself:

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Report of a friend who has been to Georgia

August 14, 2008

The person who wrote this has been a friend of mine for almost thirty years, and is Canadian by origin, and thus a little more cosmopolitan than some of us. "Thanks for the thoughtful blog.  […] and I visited Georgia in June 2006.  It is a pitifully poor country as a result of various and […]

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The Fall of the Nation State

August 13, 2008

This week, Russia invades Georgia. The President of Georgia calls out to the United States for help. Once again the US, defender of democracy, is forced to leap into the breach of incomplete intelligence and intervene. But does anyone even understand what happened in Georgia? Our minds numbed by all our own economic problems, we […]

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Chris Carfi's Great Business Model Slide

August 13, 2008

Tried to embed this twice and failed, so here’s the link. UPDATE: Chris just sent me the slide :-)

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