In This Economy, be a Weeble

October 9, 2008

Let me explain something to you. What’s going to happen in the economy is going to happen, whether you worry about it or not. Same with the election. I spend my days writing,so I’m often working with TV noise behind me. Pundit after pundit has stopped trying to predict the election, because now they are […]

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Ed and Francine's Wonderful Adventure

October 8, 2008

Ed and I have been partners in Stealthmode Partners for almost ten years, and we have never occupied the same office space (we both office out of our homes). But Gangplank, an incubator-collaborator-coworking space for small tech companies, moved into a new larger space and offered us an office. I intend to barter business advice […]

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Confusing Financial Markets Made Simple

October 7, 2008

Subprime for Dummies – Upload a Document to Scribd

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Alaskans Are Not Like You and Me

October 5, 2008

The son-in-law of a friend of mine tells us about his Alaska upbringing: Where do I start? In an attempt to provide you with a flavor of my home state, I will give you several random non-sequitur observations, facts, myths, comments, statements and words of wisdom regarding Alaska. Some are hopefully funny, tragic, anecdotal and […]

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A Comment on Dave Winer's blog has grown to this!

October 5, 2008

Some of my Arizona friends are ready to leave the country if McCain gets elected because of what they know about him, and this includes Democrats and Republicans who were leaders in the business community in the late 70s and 80’s when he came up. Most of them were CSR officers in their companies. I […]

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Winning isn't Everything–Information is

October 2, 2008

Technology changes everything. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I’m sitting here waiting for the Palin-Biden debate to start, and thinking about how this election is so different from any other during my nearly half century of watching America choose a president. And believe me, it’s different. Not bccause of the credit […]

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Morning Agenda, Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference

October 1, 2008

2008_AEC_Agenda_100108 Originally uploaded by hardaway

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Afternoon Agenda: Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference

October 1, 2008

2008_AEC_Agenda_Pg2_100108 Originally uploaded by hardaway

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Reading the Bailout Bill for You

September 29, 2008

I’m forcing myself to read the text of the bailout bill. I’m only at the beginning. But I already see that the Secretary of the Treasury has a lot of power. And who will that be after the election? That’s the first issue. But let’s get to the part where they help the homeowner. The […]

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What Debate? Devil's Slide Bridge Opens

September 27, 2008

Looking Down the Bridge to the Tunnel Originally uploaded by hardaway After the meltdown last week, during which I experienced my own empathetic mini-meltdown (too much TV-watching and mail-opening can always produce that in me) I decided to escape to my house in Half Moon Bay for the weekend. I’ve handpicked a few key events […]

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