McCains Go to the Polls

November 4, 2008

I volunteered at a polling place this morning for my friend Carolyn Lane, who is running for Constable in our neighborhood, and she assigned me to the place the McCains went to vote. I must say I could NEVER be a member of the political press corps; it’s like being in a stampede. I took […]

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Finish Paul's College Education in Uganda

November 2, 2008

I’ve been sending Paul Basaija in Uganda to college since I met him in an orphanage school three years ago. It costs $450 a semester. This year, I just can’t do it, and he has already started the semester. It would be wonderful if all of you could contribute $10 a piece to the ChipIn […]

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Welcome to Wednesday, the First Day of the Rest of Our Lives

October 31, 2008

Dear Friends, Thank you for the emails you have been sending me that tell me Obama is a Muslim, a terrorist, a pal of unrepentant terrorists, a tax-and-spend-liberal, a Marxist, a socialist, a redistributor of wealth, person who would surrender our interests in Iraq, someone who doesn't support our troops, ineligible to be president because […]

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Live Blogging a Commercial Real Estate Group Therapy Session

October 30, 2008

I have a real estate license, which requires continuing education, so this morning I'm attending a seminar on the state of the commercial real estate markets. Not surprisingly, the brokers and developers are finding the capital markets not very friendly. Banks are not using their government money to lend; they are using it to acquire […]

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I Call the Bottom

October 29, 2008

I have no special expertise to call a bottom, I’ve just been around long enough to know one when I see one. A bottom is when I start cooking at home after twenty years of eating out. I’ve discovered anything can be sauteed in olive oil and garlic and taste good. A bottom is when […]

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Live Blogging Arianna Huffington

October 22, 2008

Arianna Huffington starts off with a riff on Sarah Palin’s red shoes. And then goes on to entrepreneurship and her company, Huffington Post: where she is now in the digital space and where she is going. She reminds the audience that you can compare this presidential election to 2004: no YouTube, no HuffPo in 2004. […]

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Obama Has Soul

October 21, 2008

Barack Obama is showing us what he stands for when he leaves the campaign trail less than two weeks before the election to visit his 85-year-old grandmother. In taking this unusual and underplayed step, he is exemplifying the family values other people talk about, but only he demonstrates. He’s probably thinking, “I can’t believe I’m […]

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DMI08: Digital Media Here, Monetization Not

October 16, 2008

What an interesting conference. The takeaway is that the infrastructure is here for both digital and mobile digital media, but the monetization models are not and the content owners are growing desperate. We are at the disruptive stage, where newspapers and TV stations are laying off and only SOME players have figured out how to […]

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Is it Over Yet?

October 15, 2008

Can I open my eyes, or are we still in a free fall? Nobody knows, but the smart people are writing anyway. The two people I read a lot lately are Barry Ritholtz and Nouriel Roubini. Barry’s a smart, New York markets guy who does research and analysis for a living. Roubini is a smart […]

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Former Limelight CEO (and personal friend) Launches Unicorn Media

October 13, 2008

I’ve just gone on the Advisory Board of Unicorn Media, a new breed of integrated media company. Today it launches a diversified distribution channel for a full range of video and audio content. I’ve got the press release here, and I’m going to stick pretty close to it so I can give you all the […]

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