Onward, Christian Soldiers: Get Behind the Stimulus

February 16, 2009

If you are a Christian, follow me at your own risk, because you may find your political beliefs disturbed if you are also against the stimulus and the bailout. I am going to argue that, as a Christian, you should probably agree with the bailout of  homeowners who signed up for more mortgage they can […]

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Last Week's Gillmor Gang

February 14, 2009

Image via CrunchBase Last week’s GIllmor Gang was one of the best. This episode was one of the best ever.  Let me dispense with Facebook and Twitter and move on to the really interesting part, which is how the people on the call look at the economic downturn. You’re all very smart people and you […]

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Web 2.0 Expo: Will I See You There?

February 12, 2009

I’ve always enjoyed Web 2.0 Expo, and this year they have asked me to be a blogging partner.  I have no idea what this means yet, except they’ve said if I use this code I can get a free Expo pass: “websf09tr3” . You are welcome to try it as well, since I assume it’s […]

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The Terrorists Have Won

February 11, 2009

I was out in the park with the dogs this morning talking to my friend Carolyn-the-Constable about the miserable state of the economy and how it affects not only both of us, but literally everyone we know. We couldn’t think of a single soul who was not affected in some way by, if nothing else, […]

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My Slides from BIL

February 9, 2009

[slideshare id=1002403&doc=bil-1234040970621381-3]

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The Evils of Cloud Computing

February 8, 2009

Like everybody else, I’ve been migrating my information to the Cloud. I started with GoogleDocs, but now it’s almost ALL all there: my social graph, my online banking, my online tax filing, Facebook, Twitter, even my business bookkeeping and some of my medical data. My hard drive is pristine, except for my music and my […]

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The Ugandan Student I'm Helping Through College is Graduating!!!!

February 8, 2009

In this environment, I am warmed by the news that Paul, a boy I met on my trip to Africa with The Foundation for Global Leadership four years ago and agreed to sponsor for part of his college, is actually almost at the end of his schooling: Hullo Francine, How is the going? Amidst all […]

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An Open Letter to my Two Mortgage Companies

February 6, 2009

Dear Aurora Loan Services (a unit of Lehmann Brothers) and Citibank Mortgage (who took the TARP money): Between the two of you, you hold my fate in your hands. In July 2005, approaching 65 years of age and having been an enrepreneur for forty years, I bought a home in Half Moon Bay, about three […]

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What Are we Waiting For?

February 3, 2009

Several months back, the economy ground to a halt while people waited to see who the next president would be. The election of Barack Obama was indeed inspiring, and for two days we were filled with hope. Then we stood around with our thumbs in our mouths while we waited for the Inauguration. It, too, […]

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Is it Useful to Compare Today to the Great Depression

January 26, 2009

A reporter asked me today to answer a few questions about the Great Depression. Here are the questions, and my answers: Q.Are the current parallels being made between the current recession and the Great Depression applicable, accurate? A. I wasn’t alive during the last Great Depression. I have a friend who was, though, and she […]

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