Inc. Magazine Looking for Growing Companies

April 17, 2009

Inc. Magazine has made Stealthmode an outreach partner, because it’s tough for them to find companies that grew last year.  But I know SOMEBODY did, and this might be a good year to apply if that’s you. I imagine there are easier and more difficult years to make the list, and this would be an […]

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Navigating the Shakeout: 2009 Solar Summit

April 14, 2009

Image by 138 Photo via Flickr   If you are not in the solar industry and  are only observing it calmly from the outside, count yourselves fortunate. People actually in the industry are waking up in a sweat as they ride the roller coaster to the future, because the solar industry is shifting  this year […]

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Arizona At An Impasse

April 9, 2009

I just came from Greater Phoenix Economic Council’s “Convening Arizona’s Community”, an emergency summit held by an organization founded twenty years ago during Arizona’s last big downturn. While I commend GPEC for holding the summit, I can only say that it’s work over the past twenty years has been a big FAIL, because none of […]

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Community. It's Everything

April 7, 2009

Image via CrunchBase Yesterday was a big day in the social media world, what with the launch of Friendfeed’s new beta in the morning and the recording of Gillmor Gang in the afternoon.It was an all-day community day for me, as I first joined my community in the morning to try the new interface and […]

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Yoga, Wine and Chocolate. Really

April 5, 2009

Twelve years ago, I started practicing yoga. One of my first teachers happened to be David Romanelli, one of the co-founders of AtOneYoga in Phoenix. I didn’t seek him out as a guru; he just appeared in my life because I had a bad back and yoga was recommended as an alternative to surgery (by […]

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"Intimate" Lounge with Tim O'Reilly

April 2, 2009

Great badge! I get to ask Tim O’Reilly the first question in the bloggers’ lounge at Web 2.0 Expo. So of course I ask him how it feels to be a grandfather, and I’m thinking I’m making a joke. But he is answering my question. And he says it’s really strange, because he has only […]

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The Power of Less

April 1, 2009

A weary Tim O’Reilly took the stage on April Fool’s Day to kick off Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco after a rumor had circulated that he wouldn’t appear. As it turned out, the rumor wasn’t really a joke: Tim became a grandfather at 1 AM this morning. I don’t think he was exactly well-rested. If […]

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How to Go Forward

March 25, 2009

For the past few months, I’ve been holding workshops for displaced workers. I started them because I wanted 1) to reach out and help others, 2) to distract myself from my own not inconsiderable financial losses 3)to understand what is really going on in Arizona, and perhaps by extension in the country. I have learned […]

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The WallStrip Edge: Howard is Definitely Himself

March 25, 2009

After a person with a voice like Howard Lindzon‘s is subjected to editing, you never know what will emerge. However, I’d like to congratulate the editor of The Wallstrip Edge: Using Trend to Make Money, Find Them Ride Them and Get Off, because s/he didn’t ruin Howard’s distinctive tone and perspective by making the book […]

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Charlene's Excellent Talk on Where we Are in Social Media

March 17, 2009

SXSW09: The Future Of Social Networks View more presentations from Charlene Li.

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