Real Canadians Talking Real Health Care — US Health Crisis

September 2, 2009

via Karoli and I have been running this volunteer site with accurate information on health care since 2008 when she got laid off and we decided no one understood the gravity of the health care situation in America. A Twitter friend of hers, @Shoq, made this film — again as a volunteer — while […]

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Stanford’s Entrepreneurship Corner: William A. Sahlman, Harvard Business School – Three Most Critical Elements of Venture Success: People, Customers and Sales

August 31, 2009

via Posted via web from Not Really Stealthmode

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Stanford’s Entrepreneurship Corner: John Thompson, Symantec Corporation – Customers Must Drive Your Business Model

August 31, 2009

via Posted via web from Not Really Stealthmode

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Finally Overwhelmed by a Technology: Posterous

August 30, 2009

Last Sunday I spent some time with Steve Rubel, who is singlehandedly elevating Posterous to fame. A while ago I was asked by my friend Bill Reichert at Garage whether I thought Posterous would ever catch on, and I told him that even though it was easy, there were already too many blogging tools out […]

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Singularity University: An Innovation for Innovations

August 28, 2009

Singularity University, which says it’s preparing humanity for technological change, is holding its first closing ceremonies here at NASA Ames Research Center. I know NASA isn’t what it used to be, but it’s still way cool to be here at Moffett field. I got invited by Salim Ismail, who is heading the program. Ismail used […]

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The Night Ted Kennedy Died

August 27, 2009

I was awakened at 11 PM by a banging noise, and then the barking of my dogs, who sleep in the bedroom with me. I was terrified, thinking someone was breaking into the house. I huddled in bed, thinking someone was coming after me, and trusting the dogs to protect me. Only after about a […]

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Twitter Numbers Can Be Misleading: NY Times Story Too

August 27, 2009

Who writes ridiculous stories predicting the growth or demise of Twitter based on its lack of uptake by teens? Why not check whether your statistics mean anything before you do? I’ve already commented on Read,Write Web that the demographic breakdown 12-24 is useless. There is such a huge deveopmental difference between 12 and 24 that […]

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Novel Way to Fund a Startup

August 25, 2009

I met Drue Kataoka through her blog, Valley Zen. Only later did I find that she, a recent Stanford grad, is from a distinguished Japanese family and is an accomplished artist in a traditional Japanese medium. And that’s the end of my expertise about things Japanese. But I got a message from Drue yesterday saying […]

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