Ten Reasons for the Financial Collapse of America

January 6, 2010

Gucci shoesBMWsDriver-attended Lexus sedans Park Avenue apartmentsWestchester Country clubs Greenwich mansionsJackson Hole Vacations NetJet accountsBlack town carsIsland summer homes Manhattan steak houses OK,  those aren't the real reasons; but they are the outward trappings.  The "real" ten reasons are probably the seven deadly sins, de-regulation, globalization, and the decline of public education. However, those ten […]

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Sunshine Mugrabi Interviews Me on Her Blog

January 5, 2010

Can't remember what I said, but here it is: <p>Francine Hardaway on Social Media from Sunshine Mugrabi on Vimeo.</p> Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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Who Finances Companies Like Eleanor’s Garden?

January 3, 2010

Eleanor's Garden is the dream of a friend of mine who has been in the earth moving business and decided he'd like to make it possible for people to garden in containers and small spaces. He devised a patent-pending drainage system that can bring the joy of gardening to people even in urban spaces. Eleanor's […]

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January 2, 2010

This morning I looked at Gist closely for the first time. I signed up for it months ago, and it sends me highlights of my new connections by email every day.  Because I'm unsubscribing from unwanted emails (one of my New Year's Resolutions),  wanted to know if I should include this one on my blacklist. […]

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Happy New Year (Not to You, Aurora Loan Services)

December 30, 2009

Happy New Year and wish me a happy anniversary, too.  I'm celebrating the first anniversary of my effort to modify my mortgage through Aurora Loan Services. You are going to see a lot of this post in the near future, because I'm going to cross-post it everywhere until I find someone who knows someone in Aurora […]

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Telling off Janet Napolitano (who is, by the way, an old friend)

December 28, 2009

</object> Why inconvenience millions when you can just put a single person on a don't fly list? It's backwards. Send this around if you agree. Francine Hardaway, Ph.D, Stealthmode Partnershttp://blog.stealthmode.comhttp://twitter.com/hardawayhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/francinehardaway "The stumble throws us forward." Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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Merry Christmas, Citibank

December 25, 2009

Maybe you will be smarter in 2010 than you are in 2009. This year, during the worst financial times of my adult life, I managed to pay off all your cards (three) and asked for my interest on the oldest one, the American Airlines Platinum, to be reduced from 29.99% interest to something reasonable. I […]

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What’s Coming Next? 2010 and Beyond

December 24, 2009

Friends, Family and Colleagues, Happy Holidays. Having spent the last week with a one-year-old and watched him actually take his first steps, I’m totally focused on the future. If you know me at all, you know I am an optimist and a pragmatist: I always think we have some ability either to make things better […]

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Dash’s First Steps

December 23, 2009

Download now or watch on posterous IMG_0006.mov (1358 KB) Posted via web from Not Really Stealthmode

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Best Online Experiences of 2009

December 21, 2009

I'm really too undisciplined to make a good top 10 list, but here I go anyway (I have no shame).  I spend so much time online that I should be able to make several lists: one for productivity apps, one for entertainment apps, and yet another one for social apps, but I don't.  Instead, I […]

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