Foursquare, Facebook, Gowalla: Stranger Danger?

March 30, 2010

I’ve been checking in on location-based services Foursquare for over a year, and added Gowalla about six months ago. As a result, I’ve become rude, opened my life to danger, and donated my personal privacy to research. First let me tell you my circumstances. I’m a woman of a certain age, widowed, living alone. In theory, […]

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Unintended Consequences

March 29, 2010

How can a society that doesn't even care about its own children continue to survive? Not only are our education systems in disarray and our marriages crumbling, but after all the effort put into the health care reform bill, here is the first fallout: William G. Schiffbauer, a lawyer whose clients include employers and insurance […]

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How Do You Really Feel?

March 28, 2010

This is testimony to 1)the power of the internet to connect and to expose 2)the perception of Washington 3)the state of our country </object> It so clearly illustrates living with love as opposed to living in fear. Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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Unbelievable Phoenix Real Estate Prices

March 27, 2010

I hang my license with a small company called Infill Realty Services, which specializes in central Phoenix real estate. The owner, Julian Blum, is a long time friend of mine, so today I'm doing something else I've never done before — I'm sitting in an open house. I sit here doing what I'd normally be […]

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Local VCs, Angel Investors Have Open Office Hours at Gangplank, Chandler, AZ

March 25, 2010

The right advice in an incubator setting can be transformative to an entrepreneur. I see this every week as my friends at Stealthmode Partners and I hang out with entrepreneurs of all kinds and levels.   Monday night  it’s Tech Venture in Tempe, Tuesday night  its Growth Venture in Gilbert,  and Wednesday morning it’s New Venture […]

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Steve Case on What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur

March 24, 2010

This wonderful video from the Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner will be part of our Fasttrac program for the future. We always talk about entrepreneurial journeys during the first week, and here’s a good one! I am looking for nine more, one on each of the following topics. Can the crowd help me? Give me some  links […]

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Launching at DEMO: Worth it for a tech company?

March 23, 2010

I’ve recently been privy to a number of discussions about whether big launch events are “worth it” (time, money, human capital) for a young tech company. The focus of some of these discussions has been the twenty-year-old DEMO conference, held twice a year in Palm Springs and San Diego. My friend (and I don’t mean […]

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Collaborize Launches at DEMO2010

March 22, 2010

My long-time friend (he was my student) friend Richard Lang, whose company (OTC: BRST.PK) won a couple of big patent infringement suits a while back, but essentially lost its product window in the bargain, has taken the company in a brave new direction with the launch of Collaborize, an online communications and decision tool […]

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Why Demo Costs So Much

March 22, 2010

See and download the full gallery on posterous Posted via web from Not Really Stealthmode

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Houston’s: Name Change Sinks Brand Equity

March 21, 2010

My favorite restaurant is in the process of throwing twenty years of brand equity out the window, and all the local customers are in mourning. Houston's is a wonderful restaurant. It's part of a chain, but you would never know it by the way the food and atmosphere are created. The food is utterly reliable […]

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