Everyday Use Cases for the IPad

April 15, 2010

My pet iPad is a lot more useful than it has been purported to be. In the two weeks I’ve been using it, i have pretty much left my laptop home, and nothing has been sacrificed. It is definitely more difficult to blog, but I’m not TechCrunch and I don’t post multiple times a day. […]

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Part 3 of My Vlogged Life

April 13, 2010

Here it is : the last straw, the other shoe. Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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A User’s Take on Apple’s New Notebooks

April 13, 2010

I've been carrying around a MacBook Air for the last couple of years, and the lease is almost up.  As I  consider replacing my laptop, which is also my desktop,  I see why the iPad came to market. It's the only way I can have the laptop I want and still be able to travel […]

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This is Sick and Vain, But…

April 12, 2010

I just love the interview this woman did.  It's too bad you can't see how beautiful she is herself. Oh, and this is only Part 2 or 3, so keep that finger on the delete button. Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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This is What Happens When You Say Yes

April 9, 2010

Courtney (@have@wonderful) was a stranger when she asked to interview me for a new site she was starting. I said yes, because I try to say yes as much as possible, and look what she did! It turns out she's incredibly talented as a producer, vodepgrapher, editor: we did this whole thing on the patio […]

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IPad Answers for Jason Calcanis

April 7, 2010

Dear Jason, I'll make this short, as you did. I've been carrying only the iPad around this week. Here are my answers to your questions. Yes, It's revolutionary, but t's a messy revolution, especially the fingerprints on the screen and the way you can't see it outdoors. Yes.The wi-fi sucks and has to be made better. […]

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Godspeed, Gary Vee, I Love You Man!

April 6, 2010

Francine Hardaway, Ph.D, Stealthmode Partnershttp://blog.stealthmode.comhttp://twitter.com/hardawayhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/francinehardaway GV: 816-WRITTEN (9748836) Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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IZen Garden: A Coffee Table App for the IPad

April 5, 2010

Some day I will learn to keep my big advice-giving mouth shut. About three years ago a developer friend of mine named Jiva DeVoe who had just designed an iPhone app that was a staff pick in the App store, emailed me for advice. “Whom should I get in touch with for PR for my […]

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Grandma Geek Gets an IPad

April 4, 2010

I ain’t no Robert Scoble, sonny, so I waited for the snail mail to bring me my IPad, which means my partner Ed, who had no plan to get one but happened to wake up early Saturday morning and run over to our neighborhood Apple store beat me to it.We spent the afternoon playing with […]

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Mortgage Fraud and the Need for Financial Reform

March 31, 2010

Bank owners and CEOs  who walked away rich from their government bailouts should be jailed for fraud. This is not news, but nothing has been done about it, and the evidence continues to pile up that the big banks were guilty of more than just greed and stupidity.As I’ve been fighting my battle with Aurora […]

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