Flipboard Drives User Crazy

August 4, 2010

I speak from the user’s point of view. Even when i immerse myself in more gadgets or software than anyone i know in the outside world would ever adopt, i try to maintain that perspective. It is important for someone in the tech world, the health care world, the banking world, the startup world to […]

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Getting Online Communities Going

July 30, 2010

I've been involved with Democrasoft for a while now (the founder has been a friend of mine for thirty years and his daughter sang at my daughter's wedding), and we've come to the conclusion that most online communities don't succeed because they do not have good moderators/managers. Community management is still a new field, most of the […]

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No Exit; No Matter

July 29, 2010

You may have heard that the luminaries like Mark Zuckerberg and Reid Hoffman have taken some money off the table even though their companies haven’t  been sold or gone public. How exactly did this happen? Yesterday I listened to a fascinating panel by some of the guys who made that possible, and learned about their […]

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Five Big Business Ideas for Now

July 28, 2010

For young people graduating from college with mountains of debt, and for workers of any age who have been jobless for long periods of time in the current economy, the picture is ominous: if we are in a recovery at all, it’s a jobless one, and more than likely we aren’t in a recovery except […]

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The End of News

July 24, 2010

"With Cronkite's death, this has been a week of memories. It took me back to a time when there was such a thing as a trusted journalist.6:50 AM Jul 22nd, 2009 via web" That's a quote from the late Daniel Schorr's Twitter feed. Yes, this man who died yesterday at 93 and only composed on a […]

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FlipBoard Ends My Obsession With Bright Shiny Objects

July 21, 2010

R.I.P. Francine’s obsession with the shiny and the new. You can read the story of my iPhone4 disillusionment here. And this week I realized that when my MacBook Air’s business lease is up next month, I have nothing else I want to buy. I will just continue to use the Air. After all, I’m still […]

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A Glympse of the Geolocated Future

July 17, 2010

This past week Michael Markman (@mickeleh), a friend of mine who was on his way up Highway 1 from Los Angeles to San Francisco, honored me with a visit. But although we were set to have coffee when he got to Half Moon Bay, neither he nor I knew exactly when he would arrive. I […]

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Apple’s iPhone4g Press Conference: Just in Time

July 15, 2010

I hope I can wait until tomorrow before I throw my shiny new mobile phone back in Apple’s face. I stood in line 6.5 hours in 100 degree heat for this phone on Day 1. I’ve had every previous iPhone. Trust me, the antenna is not the only problem. I wish it were. Here’s my […]

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Why Co-Locating Startups Works

July 14, 2010

Long before I went to China  and got to know Mark Suster, I read and admired his blog.He’s one of the new generation of open, transparent VCs. So it’s not surprising to hear him come out in favor of co-location for startups. He’s right. Distributed teams may work, but co-located startups work faster, quicker, better.  And if there […]

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Angel with Attitude: Jason Calcanis on Angel Rounds

July 2, 2010

Open letter to Jason Calcanis on the occasion of his email about raising angel rounds: Jason you are hilarious. You do manage to put yourself out there every time you send out a newsletter, and this one on angel rounds is no exception. You have it right about how to be an angel. Although I […]

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