Leo LaPorte, Buzz, Twitter and Facebook

August 23, 2010

As someone who has followed Leo LaPorte on every platform and listens to a couple of this shows regularly, I was pretty surprised by his post about what a waste of time social media has been for him.  After leaving Facebook over its privacy rules, he now leaves Twitter and Buzz because no one saw […]

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SCRM, CRM, and the Disgruntled Customer

August 20, 2010

Thanks, Jason, for writing your post questioning the meaning of Social CRM.   We really need to examine how much of this stuff is too much, even as the tools get better. As someone who was around for the beginning of sales force automation (SFA) and saw it balloon into CRM (managing the customer after the sale, and now […]

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Pakistan’s Face2Face App Not Afraid of Facebook Places

August 20, 2010

In the US, Facebook launched Places yesterday, and everyone started speaking their truths: this is the end of Gowalla and Foursquare,  the tipping point  of location-based services, the end of privacy. In the meantime, across the world in Pakistan, the location of one of the worst natural disasters in human history, a company based in […]

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August 19, 2010

Listening to a farmer and a dairyman talk at 140sf about how they discovered social media and started a connected community of “Agvocates” who share the stories of farmers with the “users” of food. It’s called AgChat and it is an incredible accomplishment. Francine Hardaway, PH.d @hardaway 816.WRITTEN Http://www.Stealthmode.com Posted via email from Not Really […]

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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs (or not)

August 15, 2010

Watching the Sunday talk shows and the nightly cable rants,, the subject of jobs comes up over and over again. People cannot get jobs. And yet some  employers say they can’t get people. Even with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Jobing, Monster, and talent management software inside every enterprise, we are not hooking people up correctly to […]

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How to Handle Social Customer Complaints

August 13, 2010

I hear these comments from companies every day: “Do they expect me to be on Twitter ALL the time?” “We can’t be expected to work 24/7” “People expect instant gratification.” “What do they want from me? I am only one person.” This is the verbal equivalent of sliding down the emergency chute, mad as hell […]

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Do Brands Need More “Agents?”

August 11, 2010

A post in Ad Age about how even big movie stars are “unemployed” between gigs, and need talent agencies to help them find work inspired a conversation this morning on Twitter among Liz Strauss, Albert Maruggi and myself on the subject of pay for performance and customer satisfaction. The article said small advertising agencies need […]

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The Social Customer Strikes Again

August 8, 2010

Take all your social CRM software and tell me how it can solve this problem. A good brand can be trashed by an angry social customer ( cross posted to Yelp). Today I went to the Americana Diner, in Shrewsbury, New Jersey with my brother. We had two eggs over easy, $3.95 on the menu, […]

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Why Good Curation Matters

August 5, 2010

I hadn’t been to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) since I left NYC for Arizona at the end of the Sixties. Before that, however, I had been a frequent visitor and quite knowledgable about the contemporary art scene, since I was food friends with the son of Harry N.Abrams the art book publisher. Abrams […]

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Where I Stay in New York

August 5, 2010

Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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