Marketing: Find a Real Need and Fill It

September 29, 2010

TechCrunch’s latest conference, Disrupt, was live streaming from San Francisco this week. A battery of new, hopeful companies launched there, hoping to solve problems. But the companies I saw were not solving the many real problems we see around us: the scarcity of resources, the decline of public education, the high unemployment rate, the potential […]

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Went to the new Chandler life sciences incubator this morning. Sweet!

September 27, 2010

Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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Fixing Education: Passion Before Math and Science

September 27, 2010

I am listening to Matt Lauer and the president talk about money in public education. But I don’t think it’s about money; I think it’s about passion. I was educated not by the rich, but by the passionate. They communicated their passions to me. My teachers weren’t unionized, they were inspired. And my parents were […]

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Brian Solis’ New Series (R)Evolution Interviews Sarah Lacy

September 24, 2010

This interview rocks because Sarah Lacy has gone around the world and has seen the same things I have seen: entrepreneurship is a lot more than "geek chic."  I love the part where she tells about having gone to Rwanda, which I have also visited, and was inspired by entrepreneurs who don't know about Silicon […]

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Locked out of my Twitter account

September 21, 2010

Yesterday someone hacked into my Twitter account (@hardaway) or someone from Twitter made a decision to cut me off cold turkey. I actually feel better thinking I was hacked than that Twitter did something in retribution for one of my 31,000 tweets.   This evil genius made it so Twitter can't send an email to […]

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How We Treat Our Immigrants

September 18, 2010

My friend Rafael is an entrepreneur, although he is not looked upon as one by most people. And as an entrepreneur, he is a sad example of what has happened to immigrant entrepreneurship in the last decade. I met Rafael through word of mouth in 2004, and he has been maintaining my yard ever since. […]

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