Karoli, Terror and the TSA: Not the Same

November 28, 2010

Sunday morning, 6 AM. I awake to find my friend Karoli‘s post in her fine personal blog Drums and Whistles. I have been reading this blog for three years. Karoli, whom I met on Twitter, has become a close friend. I follow her daughter’s Irish dance career, and her son’s serious illness. Her experience being […]

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Is Your Home Page Facebook, Twitter, or Google?

November 27, 2010

Image via CrunchBase It wasn’t so long ago that we all had a “home page” when we opened our browsers. Maybe it  was Netscape, or AOL, or My Yahoo,  or iGoogle. Maybe, as in my case, it was all of those in sequence, changing every year to the latest and greatest. Your home page was […]

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Thanksgiving for Me

November 24, 2010

Like everyone else, I use this time of year to be thankful for everyone I have. You will notice I didn’t say every “thing” I have. And that’s because the things are fungible, but the people are not. Especially like me, a geek who buys a new device a week, things are meaningless. People, however, […]

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First photos of Parker Allan Kirkpatrick born about 1:40 PM 7’11” and 20 inches! Son of Jerry and Jamie, My grandson

November 20, 2010

Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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The Center Cannot Hold

November 19, 2010

This poem, always one of my favorites, seems to have incredible relevance right now. TURNING and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The […]

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data collection, marketing, social media and privacy

November 18, 2010

The ability to collect data about the buying habits of customers has never been on as direct a collision course with privacy concerns as it is now, although the fear of collision is certainly not new. Now, however, we’ve added in social media to the equation, and it’s like a wild ride at a not […]

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As @conrey says, @dneighbors brings his fastball #AZEC10

November 17, 2010

Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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Six Changes in Your “Social” Relationships You Need to Consider

November 15, 2010

You may not have thought about this, but your social relationships are changing on an almost daily basis. You have simultaneously more and less control over your human interactions, for better or for worse. Your relationships are increasingly determined by devices like phones, iPads, and computers. Every day I download some new applicaion to try, […]

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Does Big Company Tax Evasion Annoy Average Citizens?

November 11, 2010

This is a rant. I’ve been taught that in America, we live by the Rule of Law. This is beginning to sound increasingly mysterious to me lately. How come I have to live by the Rule of Law, but others do not? How come I have to put my dog on a leash in the […]

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Seth Godin: Seeking market resonance

November 10, 2010

If you've ever wasted time at a catered affair, you know the water glass trick. Half full glass, wet finger, hold the bottom of the glass and then slide your finger around and around the top of the glass. As you move your finger, the glass will vibrate. Move it just right (a function of […]

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