Why Huffpo’s Sale to AOL is Different: A Woman Co-founder

February 7, 2011

<br />Watch live video from Not Really Stealthmode on Justin.tv  For all of you on #Quora who are asking about women co-founders. Dog barking in background is angry that this blogger, still in her bathrobe, hasn't take him to the dog park just yet. But this is important, for women, for Huffpo, and for media. […]

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Innovation for Homeland Security

February 6, 2011

Dear Janet Napolitano, I’m from the entrepreneurship community and I am here to help. We entrepreneurs are trained to see problems as opportunities, and to think of ways we can make money by solving them,often with the help of technology. You have a problem with airport security. I know this because I fly at least […]

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Advertising, Brands and Media: Welcome to the new New York

February 4, 2011

I’ve just spent a week concentrating on the New York startup scene. While not as organized (and insular) as the Bay Area bubble I usually live in, it is very vibrant indeed. And there’s definitely money here:-) You can’t help dealing with the media industry if you are looking at entrepreneurship in New York. Most […]

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Chocolate caramel bombe!!

February 2, 2011

Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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.@stevegillmor the John Lennon exhibition at the Paley Center in NYC. Reminded me of you #OM11

February 1, 2011

Posted via email from Not Really Stealthmode

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The Internet and the Bill of Rights

January 30, 2011

Image via Wikipedia Whom do we think we are here in America? If I were a young Egyptian, I’d be furious at us. We export all our propaganda, our consumerism, our culture, and our heightened expectations for democracy in the rest of the world. But when they act on our words and take to the […]

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Arizona Dreaming: Optimistic Real Estate Forecasts

January 27, 2011

Our local economist at ASU is an optimist. He’s also a nutcase, IMHO. This morning, at the Urban Land Institute’s annual real estate forecast, Prof.Steve Happel actually said the freedom of Arizona, the lack of gun control, will attract people. The man on the panel with him, Bret Wilkerson of Austin-based Hawkeye Partners, must have […]

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How to Generate Joba Easily

January 26, 2011

This post is for all the politicians on both sides of the aisle, all local government officials, economic development professionals, and the unemployed. Quit posturing and bulls**ting about how difficult it is to generate jobs in your community, and how hard it is to recruit businesses. It is actually very easy. The businesses, or the […]

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One Thing to Know About the Twitter App

January 24, 2011

The one thing you must know about the Twitter app is that it can recreate a lot of Twitter history for you while you are offline. Thus, I have become a converted evangelist to the Mac App store, something I didn’t recognize the value of until today. But today, the Mac App Store has rocked […]

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How to Find Happiness One Friend at a Time

January 23, 2011

One of the worst things about The Great Recession is the way it has forced people to think about wealth and equate wealth with money. For more than two years we have had a national conversation about wealth, using wealth to mean money.  Who has it (Goldman Sachs bankers and lobbyists), and who doesn’t (homeowners, […]

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