How to Spend Your Marketing Money Wisely

June 9, 2011

I’ve been working on a project that has allowed me to compare small business marketing with enterprise marketing. It’s ridiculous how much big companies spend on wasted marketing: white papers nobody reads, sponsorships that don’t give value, campaigns that don’t work. Startups and small businesses can’t afford to do that, so here are some tips […]

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Did Apple Just Take Away More of our Independence?

June 6, 2011

Apple made a big announcement today, and more than 50,000 people watched it online through various pirate video streams, not to mention how many must have followed it on Twitter, or through live blogs. A very thin, almost pitiable-looking Steve Jobs turned on the charm to announce the next big OSX release, Lion, and the […]

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Why Remote Monitoring in Health Care May Fail

June 2, 2011

Everyone in health IT is looking at the proliferation of mobile devices and wireless communications capacity and they are salivating. Now, they say, we are finally going to be able to monitor the vital signs, activity levels, food intake, lifestyle habits of patients and use all this information for prevention. Not so fast, Kimo Sabe. […]

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What is a Pivot, and Does Your Startup Need One?

May 24, 2011

There’s a new vocabulary around entrepreneurship this year: it’s from the Lean Startup movement, and it is centered around making effective use of resources to reduce the chance of failure. Started by Eric Ries, it has captivated not only Silicon Valley, but startups worldwide. The principles of the Lean Startup are nothing new, but they […]

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Twitter for Seniors

May 22, 2011

This weekend I got an email from a mailing list I’m on that is made up of retired  old men who eat lunch together once a week and discuss politics, current affairs, and other important topics. They are, on average, very smart, pretty wealthy, and well-travelled. But social media has baffled them, and when one […]

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BitCoin Could Help You Take Back Control of Your Money

May 17, 2011

If you don’t think people are angry about the control of our financial system by rich people, rapists, and/or central bankers, think again. This weekend’s arrest of Dominique Strauss- Kahn for sexually molesting a chambermaid, on the heels of Matt Taibbi’s latest piece on Goldman Sachs, is the tip of an iceberg, most of which […]

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Microsoft Bought Skype for Kinect

May 16, 2011

Did Microsoft Buy Skype for Kinect? I own an XBox Kinect, I subscribe to XBox Live. But that’s where it stops for me because I am a user. However, sitting with two far more technical friends of mine in Half Moon Bay, I learn two interesting facts: Microsoft intends to correct the resolution problems with […]

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Argentina, Wences Casares, and the Big Beef

May 10, 2011

UPDATE: I have received many comments from offended Argentinians who think my view of their country is racist. Please understand before you read that the first half of the review is what was presented to us by a tour guide who drove us around on a bus.  It’s not mine. Personally, I had a fabulous […]

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Wake Up USA: Obama Needs a Program Like Startup Chile

May 7, 2011

On a Chilean freeway, being transported by bus from Santiago to Santa Cruz,  Geeks on a Plane hears startup pitches from companies being accelerated by Endeavor, a global nonprofit accelerator for entrepreneurs  with a social purpose.  These entrepreneurs are trying to turn Chile solar, purify water, design solar cars. Endeavor is active throughout Latin America; in Brazil, I […]

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Innovation in Brazil: All Fired Up

May 6, 2011

Step off the plane in Sao Paolo, the commerce center of Brazil, and you can feel the innovation in the air. GeeksonaPlane, (, a group of founders, entrepreneurs and investors from the US, has arrived, and the Brazilian entrepreneurship community is rolling out the red carpet. Our hostess, Bedy Yang, founder of Brazil Innovators,  thinks […]

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