Another Bubble; Not Housing

April 25, 2012

The great value of listening to the Gillmor Gang in the middle of the night in a strange hotel room is the ability to shout my opinion at the walls without fear of being heard. However, I want this opinion to go further. Guys, we ARE in a bubble. I don’t care what you say. […]

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Keeping Your Site Safe From Malvertising

April 22, 2012

As brands begin to create content themselves, and as bloggers continue to monetize their creative, more and more people become “publishers” without thinking of themselves as such. In addition, many advertisers don’t understand much about the technology that serves and delivers their ads. 80% of all online ads are delivered through third parties. As a […]

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-22

April 22, 2012

Dan Pochoda gets honored by ACLU for 45 years of civil liberties work:-) my high school buddy! # @andrewryno welcome to adulthood:) # News from USHealthCrisis Interoperability Issues Hamper Rx Drug Tracking for MarinesReporting Technology’s Impact on Healthcare … # Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-15 # I'm at Harkins Theatres Camelview 5 for […]

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7 Things You Must Know About Agencies

April 17, 2012

I’ve been meaning to write about the broken agency model for a long time, and Jeremiah’s blog about how social media agencies are increasingly turning to advertising gave me the excuse I needed to get off my butt and write something. Caveat: Jermiah is an analyst and actually interviews people to get his information. I […]

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-15

April 15, 2012

@pgdev it's a lot of stretching:-) # @loic @gapingvoid me, too! # @loic long overdue! We will. # Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-08 # @ScottMonty that's my view of Easter, too. Mingled with many other traditions:-) why not Ground Hog day,too? # @NickKristof I have an interesting letter to VVM staff from its new […]

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IPad Gets Collaborize Classroom App

April 12, 2012

Democrasoft, with whom I have been working since it was founded by my old friend Richard Lang, has announced its Collaborize Classroom PRO iPad app in Apple’s App Store. This special “optimized-for-iPad” app was designed to address the fast-growing adoption of the iPad by students and teachers. Students can now participate in online discussions in […]

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CISPA and Internet’s Future

April 11, 2012

What does the internet mean to you? You wouldn’t want anything to happen to it, would you? Today on TWIG, Leo, Jeff and Gina said they had received an email from Vint Cerf, the inventor of the internet, urging us to keep fighting for the internet’s freedom. Shortly after that, I received this infographic, which […]

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-08

April 8, 2012

Why Groupon is poised for collapse | VentureBeat – @rockeshlobster is right on the money here. # Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-01 # @Purrsilla1 @RobMontoyaAZ @GlobalGreenInt @azbillboard @rhondabannard @UltimateVirtual @positiveKristen @MotorWorksCA thanks! Beautiful day # Today's the one day I don't trust. Unfortunately, it's also my anniversary and my late husband's birthday. # […]

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How to Start and Grow a SaaS Company

April 5, 2012

I’ve just learned everything you need to know about starting and scaling a SaaS company from NetSuite ‘s Jim McGeever, its 15th employee, and the morning keynote of OnDemand12, Tony Perkins’ conference about the Cloud. Since most of the companies I deal with are SaaS, I always think about the opportunities presented to startups, by […]

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-25

March 25, 2012

@Scobleizer @morganb @jason @highlight I know you don't have to be close. I just highlight the people my friends highlight:-) but still… # I don't see how the new iPad will get ten hours of battery life. Mine goes down pretty fast. # @shoq just read your bio and discovered I am not even on […]

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