Line for Google party

by francine Hardaway on March 8, 2008

Line for Google party
Originally uploaded by hardaway

So after walking 12,895 steps today I am back in my room. We stood in line for a while for the Google party, but realized we would never get in or get a beer even if we did, so we went over to The Ginger Man an started our own party. Scott Beale twittered that it was the AltaVista party, and we all fell for it. Scoble and Rocky and Danny Kessler and Sheila Scarborough and Liz Strauss were all there, along with members of the team, recently funded and hosting the launch of the new Fifty Cent video.

Lesson: Don’t even try to go to the official parties unless you are going to get there an hour before the offiial start of the party or you will never get in. Instead, watch Twitter, which will tell you where your friends REALLY are after they didn’t get into the party you were all trying to go to.

I gotta say Austin is quite the town for bars. We wandered through the central bar district, finally ending up at dinner at BJ Ridley’s Irish pub. After dinner, Chelsea and I headed home while the boys went on to the 16 bit party.

Update: Clock shift has icked my butt, so I can only guess what it did to the people who went on to the last party :-) Moving more slowly to the Convention Center today. Must push on to meet Queenof Spain, Pistachio, ConnieReece, and MarshallK.

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