LiveBlogging the ESS Expo

by francine Hardaway on April 14, 2008

Simon Jacobson from AMR is delivering the keynote at the ESS Expo 2008. Remarkably, he is talking about Web 2.0 used in the enterprise and architected in a framework called Manufacturing 2.0 that pulls data out of legacy apps into a more modern framework. You can maintain your legacy data storage, but have your applications talk to one another.

He says : Managing in this century requires global orchestration–managing from the outside in. Enterprises are starting to use Web 2.0 to do this — putting application data in a very common user interface, like a browser.

Although IT people may be putting the internal part of their company first, before thinking about the supply chain, when they think about the environment, this shouldn’t necessarily be the way of looking at things..
Depending on which party gets elected, our priorities may change. Carbon caps, water consumption, energy consumption may move up and down on the list of priorities.

So where do we put our efforts in managing our business. Companies are beginning to demand carbon data from their leaa supplier and modeling of risk management. How do we manage our assets?

What does our chemical inventory look like

What is the visibility of environmental performance across our extended supply network? How do I get a consistent view across my facilities?

How do we model for risk management if we don’t have that visibility into the entire enterprise.

Inside the facility this means

Products and specification management
Chemical inventory
Recipe management
HazMat inventory
Waste/emissions management

Fragmented and manual systems make you wonder where the truth is? These systems have to be consolidated into a single instance that will give you a way to automate work flow and build assumptions.

What if you have a spill at one facility? A single platform provides a basis for performance management and risk management. We need environmental master data management: a single set of data.
Your environmental software should be web-based, captured in a common user interface that takes collective intelligence, ties it together, and shows it back to the user. Adoption of Web services is on the rise in the enterprise. Using wikis, blogs, podcasts, and IM is also on the rise, so we get around the latency of data in a crisis situation.

How do we integrate EHS with typical GRC systems? Must be integrated with the rest of the business apps, such as he ERP, the suppl chain, the product focused apps into a controls management system that allows the development of processes and procedures for risk remediation — and all of those show as intelligence on a management dashboard.

Jacobson says REACH will impact all manufacturing processes, and thus Financial Compliance, IT Compliance, and Environmental Compliance will have to be integrated.

Companies are already being examined on how well they respond to the environment, and brand image is going to be based even more on environmental issues in the future. Only 4% of the enterprise doesn’t see their custonmers as concerned.

Small investment brings ROI in 12 months. Companies need to move from reacting, anticipating to collaborating and orchestrating their risk.

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