Cartfly Gets Dugg

by francine Hardaway on January 25, 2008

Cartfly is a local company I’ve been working with a little bit lately. They did something very unusual this week; held a business development camp to come up with a marketing strategy going forward. They invited a group of experts, and more important, current users of the product. We sat around for two days (Disclosure: I was in and out, because of other commitments, so I don’t truly know how it ended). On one evening, I also held an informal focus group with my Fasttrac program.

Out of the BizDev Camp and the focus group will come, I hope, suggestions for how to make the product more useful to the small merchants it can help, and how to “get the world out” virally. So it was good to see Cartfly mentioned on Digg.

Here’s the beginning of the VentureBeat aticle that got Dugg.
Advertising in a widget is an obvious way to try. Another is by using the widget as a sort of store window — to sell directly through it.

read more | digg story

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