As part of Entrepreneurship Week USA, we held a highly successful Revolution in Marketing Conference today, stressing the importance of social media. We were thrilled to have Robert Scoble and Chris Heuer as the keynotes, and a host of Arizona agencies and companies telling how they use social media in their businesses.
But the wind came somewhat out of my sails when I read that, in honor of the week, the Kauffman Foundation had sponsored a study on New Economy states, by which they meant states positioned for the 21st century. Not surprisingly, Arizona was out of the top ten. Here’s the Business Week article summarizing the report, and here’s the original report.
Where are we? Well, we’re not Mississippi, and we’re not Massachusetts. We’re stuck right in the middle — 23rd to 26th on most indicators. Bummer. We will have to work a little harder to pass the eSATS legislation and educate our workforce.
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You think AZ is bad, try Nevada. Which is why I am moving to Colorado.
BTW, these same folks produced a *much* more relevant report about metropolitan areas in 2001:
I hope they produce an updated metro report as well.
Thanks for sharing details of Marketing conference and the value of marketing in business.
is the best option to increase business growth. There are lots of marketing strategy which helps to create business plan.