This evil genius made it so Twitter can't send an email to my address to re-set my password. When I enter my credentials, I get the usual "wrong email address/user name password combination. When I go to the page for people who got hacked, it asks me to put in the email address of my account, and then tells me they can't send a password re-set to that email address. So I can't get into the account because my old authentication doesn't work, and I can't get new authentication:-(
I've done everything I can think of to contact Twitter (Josh, are you out there?) including following @support with my @azentrepreneurs account, which still works, sending messages to Ev, Biz, Dom, and anyone else I ever knew who worked for Twitter, and posting this on my FB page.
I've also tried using all the other services that ping Twitter for me during the day, and of course I can't post through them, either
This, it turns out, is a bigger issue for me than giving up wine. I did that three months ago to lose weight. and it has hardly impacted my life beyond the five pounds (yes!!!!) I originally lost and have now replaced through assiduous use of chocolate.
In all seriousness, I now see the utility of Twitter in a way I never did before. All my friends hang out there. Not only can't I communicate with @scobleizer, @pistachio, @susanreynolds, or @newmediajim (to name a few long time tweeple), but I also follow a mess of journos and analysts and can't get my news.
So I've gone back to the old school: consider this blog post a note in a bottle, set afloat by a struggling survivor adrift in the river of news and desperately hoping that my note will be found and I will be saved by someone from Twitter customer support.
And please don't tell me I am mixing my metaphors. You are talking to a person in de-tox, and I can't be responsible for what I say.